NationalCancerInstitute National Cancer Institute
Application for Scientific Review by the CCR/DCEG Human Genomics and Genetics Leadership Council Review of Proposals

To pursue promising leads generated by NCI genome-wide association studies, a rapid funding mechanism is needed to support functional and biological studies in the intramural research program. These downstream” projects will be highly interdisciplinary, involving investigators from both Center for Cancer Research (CCR) and the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG).

Calls for proposals will go out to all principal investigators (PIs) in CCR and DCEG quarterly. The proposals will be reviewed and scored by members of the CCR/DCEG leadership group, along with a subset of members from the Steering Committee of the Center of Excellence in Integrated Cancer Biology and Genomics. Proposals will be due at least 2 weeks prior to the quarterly review meeting. The proposal should not exceed 3 pages and should contain the following information:

1.   Study title

2.   Names of key CCR and DCEG investigators and responsible PIs for the study and their affiliations and a description of the study team’s history of publishing in the subject area for the proposed work

3.   An overview of the aims of the study, the rationale and the analytic approach (including statistical power)

4.   A list of the specific areas of association to be included in the study and rationale for selection of the area(s)

5.   The number of samples that will be used for the study including quality control samples

6.   The current location of the specimens (repository) if applicable

7.   The material type (e.g., buccal cells, blood, buffy coat, WGA DNA) and status of the samples (has the DNA been extracted or does this process still need to be performed?) if applicable

8.   Are there any other approvals that are needed before the samples can be used for this study?

9.   A budget for all activities in support of the proposed study, including use of cores

10.  A statement indicating that the Lab/Branch Chief approves of the study

11.  A proposed timeline for study implementation and completion

Elements of the review will include scientific merit, innovation and novelty of the approach, feasibility, potential clinical and public health impact, and evidence of interdivisional collaborations.  Comprehensive written reviews and scores will be submitted by primary and secondary reviewers; brief reviews and scores will be submitted by all members.  The comprehensive reviews will be sent to the authors of the proposal prior to discussion by the committee to allow response to the comments and possible revisions.  A summary of the comments and the scores will be sent to the investigators after the committee meeting.  The results of the reviews will be advisory to the Directors of CCR and DCEG and will be submitted for the Directors’ prioritization and consideration for funding.  It is anticipated that this will be a highly competitive process; only a few of the most exciting proposals will be selected for funding.  These projects will be time-limited; resources may be requested for up to 2 years.  Annual progress reports will be required which will include a timeline for completion.  If adequate progress is not demonstrated within a year of project funding initiation, additional funding will not be awarded.  This mechanism is primarily focused on providing additional resources other than personnel and equipment needed for the research, such as reagents, supplies, use of cores, preparation or processing of biospecimens, and creation of analytic files. The awards will be up to $100,000 per project per year.