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The Epidemiology of Heroin and Other Narcotics

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 16 [Printed in 1977]

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Executive Summary-----1


Joan Dunne Rittenhouse, Ph.D.


Planning Group-----11

Brief Terms of Reference-----12
Lee N. Robins, Ph.D.


Selected Themes of the Discussion Joan Dunne Rittenhouse, Ph.D.


The Spectrum of Use: Heroin and Other Narcotics

Estimating Addiction Rates and Locating Target Populations: How Decomposition into Stages Helps-----25
Lee N. Robins, Ph.D.


Notes on the Spectrum of Opiate Use-----40
Robin Room


The Race, Class, and Irreversibility Hypotheses: Myths and Research About Heroin-----52
Bruce D. Johnson, Ph.D.


Estimates of User Populations for Heroin and Other Narcotics: Available Methodologies and Their Limitations

Prevalence of Active Heroin Use in the United States-----61
Leon Gibson Hunt

6 1

A Critique of: Leon Gibson Hunt, "Prevalence of Active Heroin Use in the United States"-----87
Leroy C. Gould, Ph.D., W. Douglas Thompson


Comments on HuntÕs Estimation Procedures-----96
John A. OÕDonnell, Ph.D.


Survey Data as Contributors to Estimation-----103
Lloyd D. Johnston, Ph.D.


Survey Data as Contributors to Estimatio-----109
John A. OÕDonnell, Ph.D.


Estimating the Incidence and Prevalence of Addiction: Why?-----114
Robert G. Newman, M.D., Margot S. Cates


Registers as Contributors to Estimation-----117
Irving Rootman, Ph.D.


Psychosocial and Biomedical Aspects of Deaths Associated with Heroin and Other Narcotics-----122
Louis A. Gottschalk, M.D., Frederick L. McGuire, Ph.D.

Narcotics Users, Narcotics Prices, and Criminal Activity: An Economic Analysis-----130
Fred Goldman, Ph.D.

Heroin Epidemiology and the Demand for Heroin-----137
Lester P. Silverman, Ph.D.

Treated Prevalence

Reflections on the Epidemiology of Heroin and Narcotic Addiction from the Perspective of Treatment Data-----147
S. B. Sells, Ph.D.

Comments on SellsÕ Paper-----177
Reginald G. Smart, Ph.D.

The Contribution of Treatment Data to Epidemiologic Perspectives of Narcotic Addiction-----183
Alex Richman, M.D., M.P.H.

Consequences of Use: Heroin and Other Narcotics

Consequences of Use: Heroin and Other Narcotics-----195
Irving F. Lukoff, Ph.D.

Critique of: "Consequences of Use: Heroin and Other Narcotics"-----228
William H. McGlothlin, Ph.D.

Some Comments on Consequences of Chronic Opiate Use-----232
Charles Winick, Ph.D.


Reflections on the Stanford Session-----241
Joan Dunne Rittenhouse, Ph.D., Ira H. Cisin, Ph.D.

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