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    A reverse 50/50 raffle where the last ticket pulled wins the pot
    November 20
    SD Discovery Center

    Maximum prize $10,000, Minimum prize $5,000

    The South Dakota Discovery Center's annual "fun"-raiser, Best for Last is a count down raffle where being last can win you up to $10,000!  The last ticket pulled is the winner.  Only 200 tickets are sold at $100 each, with two more sold at auction near the end so your chances of winning are good.

    Throw in some fine music from the Jim Szana trio, good food from area restaurants and caterers, plus a few extra prizes from Great Lakes Aviation and Santel Communications  and we have a great evening of high stakes fun as we count down the 200 tickets.

    Parents, we will be providing childcare with dinner again at $5 per child.  Please RSVP to the SD Discovery Center (224-8295) so we can plan.

    Don't miss this exciting event where we save the Best for Last!  To buy your tickets, call 605-224-8295 or contact a SD Discovery Center staff or board member.


    At Best for Last, we will be featuring the following restaurants and caterers. Please patronize these fine establishments over the holidays to support the businesses that support your community.

    Vivian Junction Restaurant
    Silk Fudge
    Pier 347
    Main Street Market
    Lakota Foods
    Sanchez Salsa
    Pike Haven


    How the Best for Last Countdown Raffle Works
    Tickets are pulled out one by one. The first and one hundredth tickets out win a pair of round trip tickets to Denver courtesy Great Lakes Aviation.  Every 25th ticket pulled(except #100)  wins a cash prize provided by Santel Communications based on its rank; i.e. the 25th ticket out wins $25, the 50th ticket out wins $50 and so on.

    When only ten tickets remain, the 201st ticket is auctioned off.  When seven tickets remain, 202nd ticket is auctioned off.  The holders of the last five remaining tickets have the option of splitting the pot. If even one holder wants to continue, another ticket is drawn eliminating one ticket holder and the remaining ticket holders again have the option of splitting the pot.  This continues until everyone agrees to split the pot or there is one ticket remaining. The last ticket remaining is the winner.

    The winner will receive at least $5,000. If more than 100 tickets are sold, the winner will receive half of the original ticket sales (does not include auctioned tickets).  If all two hundred tickets are sold, the winner will receive $10,000. 



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    South Dakota Discovery Center
    805 W. Sioux  ♦  Pierre, SD  57501  ♦  (605) 224-8295
    Website design by BPro