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December 18, 2007

Last Chance to Order the 2008 Keep the
Beat Calendar Before the New Year

Keep the Beat: Healthy Choices for 2008!December is a time when many of us look back on the previous year and make resolutions for the coming year.  Perhaps you resolve to make healthy choices in 2008.  If so, this colorful wall calendar can help.  Updated for 2008, it contains new tips, facts, artwork, and recipes.  It includes spaces to write down nutrition and physical activity goals each month, like “cut down on portion sizes” or “take a walk with the family after dinner.”

Theme pages offer additional NHLBI resources that support efforts to make healthy lifestyle changes. Check the “active today” circle to track physical activity and use the charts in the back of the calendar to record progress with weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

Enjoy special sections such as “Wean the Screen” with tips on how to cut down on daily TV and computer time and replace it with active time. Or try a new heart healthy recipe such as Gazpacho; this chilled vegetable soup can keep anyone cool in June. So jumpstart the new year by making a plan to eat healthy, aim for a healthy weight, and be physically active!

image of 3 calendar monthsOrder item #08-5721 at

Single copy: $9.00 (normally $10.00)
2–99 copies: $7.50 each (normally $8.50)
100+ copies: $6.00 each (normally $7.00)

Interested in 5,000 copies or more? Call the Health Information Center at 301 592-8573 for special pricing and co-branding options.

Want a peek at all 12 months? Visit the home page to view the full calendar at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/ktbcalendar.


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Division for the Application of Research Discoveries
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Building 31, Room 4A10
31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480