Individual Scientists

If you are based in a participating Institute (refer to listing below), sign up for the Integrative Neural Immune Interest Group Listserve (e-mail Socorro Vigil-Scott, and check this website and watch for next �Call-for-Proposals� for the 2004 Intramural Research Award (IRA) announcement to know when to submit your proposal.

If you are not based in a participating Institute, and would like your Institute to participate so that you will be eligible to apply for an INIP IRA, please contact the Program Office to obtain a Memoranda of Understanding, and to arrange for your Institute representative to learn more about the Program.

Ms. Socorro Vigil-Scott 301-496-9255 or

NIH Institutes, Programs, and other Federal Agencies

Each Institute or Program of the NIH interested in participating in the INIP is asked to commit to support a minimum of one post-doctoral position plus standard associated research funds for a three year period. These resources will be divided between two half-post-doctoral fellowship positions to support joint research projects between any two of the participating Institutes to foster interdisciplinary multi-Institute, basic and clinically relevant research in neuroscience and immunology at NIH. Support for additional project(s) is at the discretion of each participating Institute Scientific Director. Each Institute SD will be asked to support only post-doctoral research fellows being co-mentored by a PI in their Institute. Each jointly sponsored post-doctoral research fellow will be designated to work under the supervision of and in collaboration with appropriate researchers in two collaborating Institutes to carry out interdisciplinary research in neuroscience and immunology. Projects will be selected through a �Call for Proposals� mechanism. It is expected that post doctoral fellows participating in multi-Institute collaborations will have full and equal access to all partnering Institute specific core resources through their mentoring laboratories. In addition to support of one post-doctoral fellow, $5000 per year is requested to cover administrative costs of the program, to include costs of travel for invited speakers to speak in the Neural Immune lecture series, workshop or retreat.

A �Participation Agreement in Principle� memo to formally partner with the Integrative Neural Immune Program can be obtained by contacting the Program Office:
Ms. Socorro Vigil-Scott 301-496-9255 or

Private Sector Non-profit, and for-profit organizations

Developed with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research, the Program is designed to foster inter-institute (NIH), and importantly, inter-agency, university, and private sector partnering. As such, the Program attempts to the greatest extent possible to integrate the best practices (scientific and business) of the federal, private non-profit, and private for-profit sectors in a manner that will allow researchers to rapidly address cutting edge multi-disciplinary research questions, while consolidating resources in permanent staff, highly specialized methodologies, physical space, and equipment.

Collaborations with outside partners are evaluated on an individual basis. Interested organizations should contact:
Ms. Socorro Vigil-Scott 301-496-9255 or

The Following Institutes and Programs of the NIH are active partners with the INIP

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
National Cancer Institute
National Eye Institute
National Institute on Aging
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID)
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institute on Neurological Disease and Stroke (NINDS)

The following private sector organizations and Federal Agencies partner with the INIP

American Institute of Architects, Office of Research Planning
General Services Administration, Public Building Service
Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building and Fire Research Laboratory







Integrative Neural Immune Interest Group Lecture Series


This page was lasted editied on: 27 May 2004

National Institute of
Mental Health