Class Descriptions
Please review the course description and prerequisites carefully before registering for any class. 

Crystal Report XI - Closed Session (2 Days):


 Working Knowledge of Windows



Table Of Contents:
Unit 1: Getting started
Topic A: The Crystal Reports environment
Topic B: Creating, viewing, and saving reports
Topic C: Modifying report layout
Topic D: The Help feature

Unit 2: Formatting
Topic A: Absolute formatting
Topic B: Introducing conditional formatting

Unit 3: Sorting and selecting records
Topic A: Sorting records
Topic B: Selecting records

Unit 4: Grouping and summarizing
Topic A: Groups
Topic B: Summaries

Unit 5: Formulas and functions
Topic A: Formulas
Topic B: Modifying formulas
Topic C: Functions

Unit 6: Experts and wizards
Topic A: The Database Expert
Topic B: Report wizards
Topic C: Cross-tab reports

Unit 7: Distributing reports
Topic A: Exporting reports
Topic B: Delivering reports

Day Two:

Table Of Contents:
Unit 1: Selecting data
Topic A: Parameter fields
Topic B: Defining report elements

Unit 2: Advanced formulas and functions
Topic A: Running totals
Topic B: Variables
Topic C: Advanced functions
Topic D: Constructs

Unit 3: Charts and maps
Topic A: Working with charts
Topic B: Creating maps

Unit 4: Formatting complex reports
Topic A: The Section Expert
Topic B: Advanced conditional formatting
Topic C: Objects

Unit 5 : Alerts and subreports
Topic A: Report alerts
Topic B: Subreports

Unit 6: Data management features
Topic A: The Business Objects Enterprise Repository
Topic B: The Workbench

Unit 7: Advanced data access techniques
Topic A: ODBC data sources
Topic B: SQL and the Database Expert