The charge of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS) includes:  
   Assessing how genetic technologies are being integrated into health care and public health,  
   Studying the clinical, public health, ethical, economic, legal, and societal implications of genetic and genomic technologies and applications,  
   Identifying opportunities and gaps in research and data collection analysis efforts,  
   Examining the impact of current patent policy and licensing practices on access to genetic technologies,  
   Analyzing uses of genetic information in education, employment, insurance, and law,  
   Serving as a public forum for discussion of issues raised by genetic and genomic technologies.  
  The SACGHS is chartered to have up to 17 members from authorities knowledgeable about biomedical sciences, human genetics, health care delivery, evidence-based practice, public health, behavioral sciences, social sciences, health services research, health policy, health disparities, ethics, economics, law, health care financing, consumer issues, and other relevant fields. The committee also includes nonvoting ex officio members from 19 federal agencies and departments.  
   SAGGHS Charter   
   Member Roster  
   Ex Officio Roster  
   Press Release: HHS Names 13 to Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (December 23, 2002)  

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