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Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Technologies
  This page provides information concerning the Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Technologies study topic.  
  A list of reports and correspondence related to this topic are provided below. This page also provides a summary of the sessions concerning this topic that have been held at SACGHS meetings so you can review the transcripts, presentation materials, and webcasts for the sessions that dealt with the topic.  
Reports and Correspondence  
   Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Tests and Services
(February 2006)
   Public Comments on Draft Report   
   PowerPoint Slides   
   Secretary Leavitt's Response to SACGHS
(May 31, 2006)

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SACGHS Meetings  

June 15, 2005 - Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Tests and Services  
  Overview of Public Comments on SACGHS Draft Report  
  Cynthia Berry, J.D.
Chair, SACGHS Coverage and Reimbursement Task Force
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Full Committee Discussion of Draft Report  
  Facilitator: Ms. Berry  
  Webcast  Transcript   
  Finalization of Draft Report and Recommendations  
  Facilitator: Ms. Berry  
  Webcast  Transcript   

February 28, 2005 - Full Committee Discussion of Draft Coverage and Reimbursement Report  
  Facilitators: Ms. Berry and Dr. Tuckson  
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   

March 1, 2005 - Continued Discussion of Coverage Report  
Public Comments  
  Webcast  Transcript   

October 18, 2004 - Committee Review and Discussion of SACGHS Revised Draft Report on Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Tests and Services  
  Report of the Deliberations of the Coverage and Reimbursement Task Force  
  Cynthia Berry, J.D.
Chair, Coverage and Reimbursement Task Force
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Evaluation of Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention: Implementation and Evaluation of a Model Approach  
  Linda Bradley, Ph.D.
Geneticist, Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Review and Discussion of Revised Draft Report  
  Webcast  Transcript   
  Public Comments  
  Webcast  Transcript   

October 19, 2004 - Continued Review and Discussion of SACGHS Revised Draft Report on Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Tests and Services  
  Continued Review and Discussion of Revised Draft Report  
  Webcast 1  Webcast 2  Transcript   
  Public Comments  
  Webcast  Transcript   
  Presentation on the Scope, Charge, and Progress to Date of the National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in Genomics and Protein-Related Invention  
  David Korn, M.D., Member, NAS Committee  
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   

June 14, 2004 - Deliberations on the Coverage and Reimbursement Report  
  Overview of Draft Coverage and Reimbursement Report  
  Cynthia Berry, J.D.  
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Discussion of Draft Report  
  Webcast  Transcript   

March 1, 2004 - Session on Coverage and Reimbursement for Genetic Technologies and Services  
  Private Health Insurance Coverage and Payment Policies and Decision-Making Processes for Genetic Technologies and Services  
  Michele Schoonmaker, Ph.D.
Specialist in Genetics, Congressional Research Service
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Genetic Services: The HMO Model  
  Ronald Bachman, M.D.
Chief, Genetics Department, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Provider's Perspectives on Reimbursement of Genetic Technologies and Services A Laboratorian's Perspective  
  Andrea Ferreira-Gonzalez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory Virginia Commonwealth University
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  A Clinician's Perspective  
  Marc Williams, M.D.
Pediatrician and Medical Geneticist, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Medicare Coverage and Payment Policies and Decision-Making Processes for Genetic Technologies and Services Medicare Coverage Policies and Decisions  
  Sean Tunis M.D., M.Sc.
Chief Medical Officer, CMS
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
  Medicare Payment Rates and Decisions  
  Donald Thompson, M.S.
Director of Ambulatory Services, CMS
  Slides  Transcript   
  Cost-Effectiveness Determinants and Data Needs  
  David Veenstra, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy
University of California-San Francisco School of Pharmacy
  Slides  Webcast  Transcript   
Roundtable Discussion  
  Webcast  Transcript   

March 2, 2004 - Public Comment Session  


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