C&SS Information
Data Management Services Computer & Statistical Services is responsible for providing a wide array of information science related services to the NCI-Frederick community. C&SS is one of four peer contracts that provide service and support to the NCI-Frederick as part of the NCI-Frederick system of contracts.

Our Mission: To apply our expertise in the information sciences to contribute to the success of our customers. To that end we will strive to always:

  • Conduct our business in an ethical and responsible manner.
  • Fulfill our commitments and exceed expectations.
  • Act as an advisor and partner to serve the needs and best interests of our customers.
In accomplishing our mission we will value diversity, creativity, and teamwork in all aspects of our organization.

Our Vision:

  • To be regarded among our customers as a critical partner in their success.
  • To be regarded among our peers as a progressive, innovative, and fair competitor.
  • To be regarded among our community as an ethical and active corporate citizen.
  • To be regarded among ourselves as a diverse and creative team who, together, can accomplish great things.

Our Goals:

  • Consistently maintain the highest levels satisfaction among our customers and become a critical partner in their success.
  • Continuously strive to improve ourselves, our processes, and our services.
  • Persistently seek ways to grow our business.
  • Actively participate in the betterment of our community.
  • Continually seek new and innovative ways to better accomplish our mission.

We are always interested in your feedback. If you have any suggestions, or comments, please let us know.