Business Systems
Computer Services implements, maintains, integrates, and enhances the myriad of systems that support the business and administrative requirements of the NCI-Frederick. While many of these systems are used exclusively by "back-office" personnel, others are used by the general NCI-Frederick population.


The SmartStream Financial System is the cornerstone of NCI-Frederick's financial reporting and cost management system. The system provides the NCI-Frederick community with real-time financial and cost information, and distributed purchasing and requisitioning capabilities.

C&SS is responsible for the administration and management of the infrastructure which supports SmartStream, while the NCI-Frederick Contracts and Administration department operates the system on a daily basis.  For additional information or support:


Cyborg is the Human Resource/Payroll system utilized by all prime contractors at the NCI-Frederick as well as the interface by which all NCI-Frederick business offices maintain important employee demographic information.

For further information or assistance: Cyborg Users Committee

P-Card (Credit Card Reconciliation)

P-Card is a new, web-based system that is used by NCI-Frederick IMPAC card holders to reconcile credit card purchases.


Maximo is enterprise assett management software. The NCI-Frederick uses Maximo to manage inventory, procurement, and materials.

For further information: Maximo Project Team Website

LASP Facilities

The LASP Facilities System manages inventory and tracking of animals at NCI-Frederick. In addition, it tracks the training that LASP staff undergo.

Timewizard (Time & Attendance)

The Timewizard online time & attendance system allows employees to record hours worked, vacation, and sick time via a web-based interface. In addition, it provides valuable reports for managers.

NIH/NCI Delivered Applications

C&SS provides direct support for many of the administrative systems used by government administrative personnel stationed at the NCI-Frederick. Such systems include:

  • Delpro
  • EDS
  • Visual Status of Funds
  • NIH Data Warehouse

For further information or assistance: Computer Helpdesk

We are always interested in your feedback. If you have any suggestions, or comments, please let us know.