Database Data Catagories

Path to Success
The software suite is being developed in an iterative fashion with concurrent development of client and server applications. At present, a standalone prototype of the PathologyApp, called TIAMA, is nearing completion.  TIAMA supports a subset of the PathologyApp features and gives researchers an environment in which to perform robust online slide annotation.  Additionally, TIAMA will allow end users and the developers to identify improvements and new features required in the final product. As TIAMA is being developed, its back-end database and server applications are keeping pace, with integration to begin by year's end.

The histology slide annotation tool, TIAMA, and the development of an underlying molecular profiling database are our critical early development foci. This basic functionality forms the groundwork for fully integrated analyses of the molecular bases of prostate cancer. The complete system will add modules that provide: i) histology slides in a patient-specific, interactive 3-D representation; ii) analysis of microarray data cross-linked to existing genetic databases; iii) protein profile analyses; and iv) a Laboratory Information System that manages projects, users, and patients and will simplify tissue sample tracking.

We would like to acknowledge Matthew McAuliffe (CIT) for generously sharing the source code for the Medical Image Processing, Analysis & Visualization (MIPAV) system.  Information on MIPAV can be found at Poster number A-16

1. The Cancer Genome Anatomy Web Site,
2. The Molecular Profiling Initiative Web Site,
See also NIH Research Festival 2000 Poster number

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