From: NHLBI Network

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:33 AM

To: NHLBI Network

Subject: Enter Garfield's "Star Sleeper" Contest

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) knows a lean, mean sleeping machine when they see one. That's why they've named Garfield a "Star Sleeper" and asked the clever cat to help them spread the word that, when it comes to doing your best, a good night's sleep is hard to beat.

Garfield credits his ability to outwit dogs and humans on the fact that he's well rested. "Sleep is the perfect exercise," according to the famous kitty.

"I wouldn't be where I am today without it."

Garfield will help scientists at NHLBI get the message to kids in grades one to five that a good night's sleep helps them feel and do their best.

The Star Sleeper Campaign kicks-off with a contest on Garfield's' web site. Kids in grades one to five (and their parents/guardian) could win a free trip to Washington, D.C. and participate in an important press conference, by writing what happens to a certain orange cat who didn't get enough sleep last night. Go to Garfield's web site: for the entry form.

Over the next five years, other contests, games, and activities promoting sleep will be developed and distributed throughout the U.S.

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