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June 8, 2006

We Can! Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition Help Your School Wellness Policy

Is your school system developing a Wellness Policy as legally required for its participation in the USDA National School Lunch or Breakfast Programs? Since 96 percent of US elementary and secondary schools participate, there is a good chance your school system has to meet the June 30, 2006 deadline for policy and the 2006-2007 school year start time for implementation.

We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition) has materials that schools can use to implement their plans and that support USDA School Wellness Policy goals for:

  • Nutrition education, physical activity and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness
  • Community involvements, including parents, students, and school representatives

We Can! Help with School Curricula

For classroom or after school programs, We Can! showcases three science-based curricula for youth: They focus on healthy nutrition, increased physical activity, decreased screen time, and the media's role in food marketing. Be sure to click through all the links to learn more about each program.

Children playing – We Can! Help with School Curricula

Who can make it happen? We Can!

Gain Benefits By Becoming a We Can! General Site

Schools that use specific We Can! materials to satisfy key parts of USDA Wellness Policy, can gain extra benefits. They are recognized as a We Can! General Community Site and receive a free starter kit of materials. General Community Sites are encouraged to complete at least two of the following three activities within one year of signing up: For details on how to become a community site, please see

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Office of Prevention, Education, and Control
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