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January 19, 2006

New Year's Resolutions 2006

Many people make New Year's Resolutions. How about making a commitment to heart health one of yours this year? Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States in both men and women? If you aim for a healthy weight, control blood pressure and cholesterol levels, then you'll work to lower three major heart disease risk factors. Use the tools below to begin the year with your heart in mind. All are great for American Heart Month in February too!

Aim for Healthy Weight

Aim for a Healthy Weight in 2006

This booklet is both an important resource for adults who may already be struggling with weight issues, and also for those who want to maintain a healthy weight. Learn practical, easy-to-use information on healthy eating and physical activity, setting weight loss goals, and rewarding success. Get a handle on portion distortion, sample delicious reduced calorie menus, and try the tips on dining out. Also use the booklet to keep a weekly food and activity diary, or start the sample walking program.

Order item #05-5213 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?sku=05-5213 for ONLY $3.00.

High Blood Pressure

This Year You Can Control High Blood Pressure

"You can do it!" is the message in this action-packed guide. Follow step-by-step instructions on how to achieve and maintain a lower blood pressure through lifestyle and, if prescribed, medication. It's filled with practical advice about how to find your target weight and use herbs and spices to reduce sodium intake.

Order item #5232 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?source=&sku=5232. *F|R|E|E* single copy, and ONLY $1.25 each additional copy.

Lower Cholesterol

Lower Cholesterol in the New Year

Find out what your cholesterol numbers mean and what treatment your doctor may prescribe to help lower your cholesterol level. Includes a tool to estimate the risk for having a heart attack, and outlines ways to reduce risk.

Order item #05-3290 at http://emall.nhlbihin.net/product2.asp?source=&sku=05-3290. *F|R|E|E* single copy, and ONLY $1.25 each additional copy.

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Office of Prevention, Education, and Control
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH
Building 31, Room 4A10
31 Center Drive, MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480