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Vol. LVIII, No. 20
October 6, 2006

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CIT Computer Classes

All courses are given without charge. For more information call (301) 594-6248 or consult the training program's home page at

Validating Information Models Using Natural Language 10/18-20
Seeking Information on the Web 10/19
Breeze 5 10/19
NIH Portal for Community Managers 10/23
Word Topics: Reviewing and Tracking 10/24
Analyzing Microarray Data Using the mAdb System 10/24-25
Advanced QVR Training 10/30
NIH Portal Document Directory: Building an Enterprise-Wide Repository 10/31
Network Security and Firewalls 10/31
Introduction to mAdb 10/31
NIH Biowulf - a Supercluster for Scientific Applications 11/2
Introduction to the QVR System 11/2

PRAT Program Accepts Applications

The NIGMS Pharmacology Research Associate (PRAT) program is now accepting applications for positions to begin October 2007. This competitive research fellowship program supports training at NIH or FDA laboratories for postdoctoral candidates. It focuses on the pharmacological sciences and related research areas such as molecular pharmacology, signal-transduction mechanisms, drug metabolism, immunopharmacology, chemistry and drug design, structural biology, endocrinology, bioinformatics and neuroscience.

PRAT fellowships are 3-year appointments that include competitive salaries as well as supply and travel funds to support research in preceptors' laboratories. Applicants must identify a preceptor in their application. Preceptors may be any tenured or tenure-track scientist at NIH or FDA who has agreed to host the applicant. Postdoctoral fellows who have more than 1 year of research experience at NIH or FDA are not eligible. Applications must be received by Dec. 15. For more information or application materials, contact the PRAT program assistant at (301) 594-3583 or email

  Narrow Arches, Mexico, (above) shot by longtime club member John Boretos, was black-and-white photo of the year in 2005.
  Narrow Arches, Mexico, (above) shot by longtime club member John Boretos, was black-and-white photo of the year in 2005.
Annual Photography Competition, Oct. 10

The NIH Camera Club will hold its annual NIH-wide photography competition on Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 6:15 p.m. at Classic Residence, 8100 Connecticut Ave., Chevy Chase. Categories are black-and-white prints, color prints and color slides. Fee is $1 per image and entrants can submit four images per category. Cash prizes will be awarded. The R&W-sponsored organization meets once a month on Tuesday evenings at the Classic Residence. At the meetings, a professional from the area shares photographic expertise and images, then judges photos on a topic such as nature or architecture or photojournalism. For more information about the club or contest, contact Brenda Hanning at

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