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Change Log

This Web site is updated from time to time to add new material, enhance functionality, and clarify or correct information already available on the site.  This Change Log page describes changes made in the last six months.  It also lists changes made since the launch of the Web site on June 23, 2003, descriptions of which are available in annual Change Log Archives.

Material changes to the Web site have been made on the following dates:

September 18, 2008 

September 19, 2007 

August 29, 2007 

June 6, 2007 

March 5, 2007 

February 8, 2007 

November 2, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

August 22, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

July 19, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

June 23, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

May 24, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

April 13, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

March 22, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

February 2, 2006 (in the 2006 Change Log Archive)

November 30, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

November 9, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

October 12, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

September 21, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

August 5, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

June 15, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

May 18, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

February 16, 2005 (in the 2005 Change Log Archive)

December 30, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

December 15, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

October 25, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

September 17, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

August 25, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

July 21, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

May 28, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

April 16, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

March 19, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

February 13, 2004 (in the 2004 Change Log Archive)

December 19, 2003 (in the 2003 Change Log Archive)

November 14, 2003 (in the 2003 Change Log Archive)

September 30, 2003 (in the 2003 Change Log Archive)


Changes Posted on September 18, 2008 

Additions and Enhancements

Update to 1/1/2008 - The APIS information appearing on this Web site (except for discontinued policy topics listed below) has been updated to include legislative and regulatory changes that took effect on or before 1/1/2008.

Discontinuation of APIS Policy Topics - Updating of Vehicular Insurance Exclusion and the five Alcohol Beverage Taxes policy topics has been discontinued as of 1/2/2007.

1.       Vehicular Insurance Exclusion - The data for Vehicular Insurance Exclusion have not been updated beyond 1/1/2007.  Data for this policy topic for the period 1/1/1998 through 1/1/2007 will be maintained on the site, but will not be updated beyond this point.

2.       Alcohol Beverage Taxes - The data for Beer Taxes, Wine Taxes, Distilled Spirits Taxes, Sparkling Wine Taxes, and Flavored Alcoholic Beverages Taxes have not been updated beyond 1/1/2007.  Data for these policy topics for the period 1/1/2003 through 1/1/2007 will be maintained on the site, but will not be updated beyond this point.  More recent data are available from third-party sources, links to which are provided in the Alcohol Beverage Taxes materials on the APIS Website.

Health Insurance Parity - The comparison tables for Health Insurance Parity for Alcohol-Related Treatment were simplified by removal of the Comparison to Alcohol-Related Parity Provisions section of the table, which included columns for Mental Health Provisions and Substance Abuse Provisions.  As a result of this change, Iowa and Oklahoma are now displayed as having No Law for the entire period of APIS coverage.

Age of Server - The comparison tables for Age of Server - On-Premises and Age of Seller - Off-Premises were simplified by removal of the "Establishment Type," "Beverage Server Training," and "Parental Consent" columns.  As a result of these changes, Indiana no longer appears in the Policy Changes Over Time table for Age of Server - On-Premises.

Restructuring of Policy Topic Index - The APIS Policy Topics Index was restructured to display separate listings for Current Topics and Discontinued Topics.  Vehicular Insurance Exclusion and the five Alcohol Beverage Taxes policy topics were moved into the Discontinued Topics listing.


Corrections and Clarifications

Use/Lose (Driving Privileges) - A correction was made to the comparison tables for Loss of Driving Privileges for Alcohol Violations by Minors ("Use/Lose" Laws).  The words "or Denial" were removed from the "Type of Violation Leading to License Suspension, Revocation, or Denial" column heading and the heading was revised to read "Type of Violation Leading to License Suspension or Revocation".  APIS treatment of this policy topic has never addressed denial of a drivers' license as a sanction for an underage alcohol offense.

The comparison tables listed below have been changed to reflect changes made in data.


Policy Topic



Alcohol and Pregnancy: Reporting Requirements



Added check marks for Other, Referral for Assessment and/or Treatment, and Referral to Child Welfare Agency in the section of the table dealing with Discretionary reporting, for the period beginning 1/1/2003.

Alcohol and Pregnancy: Reporting Requirements

New Hampshire

Changed coding to No Law for the period beginning 7/1/2003.

Furnishing of Alcohol to Minors


Added check mark for Other (Religious, Educational, Medical) Exception for the period beginning 1/1/1998.



Additions and Enhancements
New Policy Change Summary page - On August 29, 2007, the information on the APIS Web site was updated to include legislative and regulatory changes that went into effect on or before 1/1/2007. The results of this update are summarized on a new Policy Changes at a Glance summary page. The summary covers the period 1/2/2006 through 1/1/2007 and includes a table showing which APIS policies changed in which States during this period, as well as text summarizing the changes for each State. 
Additions and Enhancements

Update to 1/1/2007 - The research and data for all 36 topics listed in the APIS Policy Topics section of the Web site have been updated to include legislative and regulatory changes in effect on or before 1/1/2007.


Corrections and Clarifications


The comparison tables listed below have been changed to reflect changes made in data.


Policy Topic



Beverage Service Training and Related Practices

New Hampshire

In the row pertaining to Voluntary programs, added check mark for Mitigation of Penalties in the section of the table dealing with Incentives for Training.

False Identification for Obtaining Alcohol

North Carolina

Added check mark for Seizure of ID in the section of the table dealing with Retailer Support Provisions.

Furnishing of Alcohol to Minors

New Mexico

Added "plus" sign for Spouse for the period beginning 7/1/2004.

Hosting Underage Drinking Parties: Criminal Liability


Added check mark for Resident, in the section of the table dealing with Exceptions, for the period beginning 7/1/2004.

Loss of Driving Privileges for Alcohol Violations by Minors ("Use/Lose Laws")


Added rows to indicate mandatory sanctions applicable to those less than 18 years of age, for purchase and possession violations for the period 1/1/1998 - 6/30/2005, and for purchase, possession, and consumption violations for the period beginning 7/1/2005.

Underage Consumption of Alcohol

North Carolina

Removed check mark for Consumption Prohibited for the period 1/1/1998 - 8/16/2004, removed check marks for Consumption Prohibited and Other (Religious, Educational, Medical) for the period beginning 8/17/2004, and changed coding to No Law for the period 1/1/1998 - 11/30/2006.

Note: Due to a technical error, the Change Log item listed for North Carolina on August 22, 2006 was not implemented on that date.  It has been implemented as part of this update.

Underage Possession of Alcohol


Removed "plus" signs for Parent/Guardian consent and presence and changed coding for In Any Private Location from "plus" sign to check mark, all in the section of the table dealing with Exceptions.

Underage Possession of Alcohol


Removed "plus" signs for Spouse and In Private Residence, removed check mark for Other (Religious, Educational, Medical), and changed coding for Parent/Guardian consent from "plus" sign to check mark, all in the section of the table dealing with Exceptions.

Underage Possession of Alcohol

New Mexico

Changed effective date of policy change creating Other exception (Religious) from 7/1/1998 to 7/1/2004. Added citation to NM LEGIS 43 (2004) and added "plus" sign for Spouse, in the section of the table dealing with Exceptions, for the period beginning 7/1/2004.

Additions and Enhancements

Revision of citation display - In the APIS Policy Topics section of the Web site, links explaining how to access and use Cornell University Law School's Legal Information Institute were placed beneath the "Citations" column heading in the APIS Policy Topics comparison tables, as well as in the pop-up windows that display legal citations.  These links allow users a way to access the text of the enacted bills, codified statutes, and codified regulations cited in the comparison tables.


Additions and Enhancements
Update to 1/1/2006 - The research and data for the following APIS Policy Topics have been updated to include legislative and regulatory changes in effect on or before 1/1/2006:

The data for Insurer's Liability for Losses Due to Intoxication ("UPPL") were revised by eliminating citations that applied only to types of insurance other than health insurance.  The coding displayed in the APIS comparison tables for this policy topic is limited to health insurance.


Corrections and Clarifications


The comparison tables listed below have been changed to reflect changes made in data.


Policy Topic



Health Insurance Parity


Removed check marks for Deductibles and for Co-payments and Co-Insurance in the section of the table dealing with Alcohol-Related Parity Provisions.


Additions and Enhancements

Site Restructuring - As of this update, APIS no longer includes excerpts of statutory or regulatory text in the APIS Policy Topics section of the APIS Web site.  Citations to enacted bills, codified statutes, and codified regulations are included, however, for users interested in researching the legal sources that support the coding of APIS policy topic variables. 


A link to the Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Directory has been added to the Researchers section of the APIS Home Page.  This link provides a source of data that can be used to measure the outcomes of policy change.


Corrections and Clarifications


The comparison tables listed below have been changed to reflect changes made in data.


Policy Topic



Alcohol Beverages Taxes: Beer

South Carolina

Removed rows for beer of more than 5% ABW, based on regulation dealing with restrictions on sales.

Alcohol Beverages Taxes: Wine

North Carolina

Changed effective date of policy change redefining alcohol content of both fortified and unfortified wine, from 8/13/2005 to 10/1/2004.


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Intitutes of Health
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Health and Human Services
USA.gov - Government Made Easy