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Warning: Dependence on Facebook, Twitter Could Be Hazardous to Your Business

You’ve probably heard how much the microblogging service Twitter can help your business, or that being on social-networking site Facebook can boost your company’s profile. But what you might not have considered is the potential danger in over-relying on these start-ups that could go out of business, get bought out, or close your account if you aren’t familiar with their Terms of Service.

The Eye of the (BlackBerry) Storm

As the battle for the smartphone market heats up, comparisons abound between Research In Motion’s BlackBerry Storm, released in November, and Apple’s iPhone.
For starters, both devices boast a touchscreen, forgoing the buttons found on more conventional phones. But the more important comparison, from the bottom-line perspective, lies in which device carries a fatter margin.

Older ’Net Users Giving Youngsters a Run for Their Money

Generation Y enjoys the widespread stereotype as being the official Internet Generation, but it turns out those stinking kids don’t own everything online. Generation Xers, Baby Boomers, and even “G.I.” folks dominate their own niches when it comes to the online world, according to a new report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Lawyer Sues Citibank for Not Stopping Him From Losing Money in Nigerian Scam

A lawyer in Houston is suing Citibank after he got scammed in a variation on the classic Nigerian email scam. There are a few interesting tidbits here that are worth discussing. First, the details…

A Solution for Subscription Sites From the Gaming World

Wednesday, over a very tasty seafood lunch, I watched Felix Salmon spend two hours trying to convince managing director Rob Grimshaw to abandon his newspaper’s attempts to get its readers to pay for online content. He did not succeed.

News You Can Endow

“The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right,” Thomas Jefferson wrote in January 1787. “And were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate to prefer the latter.” Today, we are dangerously close to having a government without newspapers.

How Netflix Got Started

The genesis of Netflix came in 1997 when I got this late fee, about $40, for “Apollo 13.” I remember the fee because I was embarrassed about it. That was back in the VHS days, and it got me thinking that there’s a big market out there. So I started to investigate the idea of how to create a movie-rental business by mail.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Digital Daily

Etruscan Haruspices: New iMacs on the Way

Apple observers sifting entrails for portents of iMacs to come have three new signs in which to put their faith this week. The most recent: reports that Apple has been telling its resellers that iMac supplies are tightening, often interpreted as a sign that the company is dropping inventory levels ahead of a product life refresh. Read more »


Netflix: Stifel Downgrades to Sell After Stock Doubles

Netflix is suddenly one of Silicon Valley's hottest companies--it just reported blowout Q4 earnings, gave a strong Q1 outlook, and its stock has doubled since November. And the company's service is becoming ubiquitous in the home entertainment space. So why did Stifel Nicolaus analyst Scott Devitt downgrade the stock this morning from Hold to Sell, estimating its fair value to be well below its current level of $35.95? Read more »


Can Music Sales Get Any Worse? Just Watch.

Earlier this month the music business got a rare piece of good news: Apple announced that it had posted "record" sales at its iTunes music store around Christmas. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming: I'm seeing more and more evidence that Apple notwithstanding, the industry's last few months were bad even by the industry's own terrible standards. Read more »

NEC Ya, Wouldn’t Want to Be Ya…

If there’s an award to be given for most layoffs handed out by a technology company in a recession, NEC may have just won it. This morning, the Japanese electronics giant said it will sack at least 20,000 workers world-wide as it struggles to shore up its business amid the worsening econalypse. Read more »

Amazon Shares on the Moon

Amazon’s much needed good news in a week full of bad news is proving a boon to investors. The nice gain the online retailer posted in its fourth quarter appears to be reviving traders beaten into submission by the worst economic malaise since the Depression. Amazon’s shares are trading up more than 17 percent as I write this. Read more »

Time Inc.’s Ann Moore Makes the Case for Magazines–And Is Glad She’s Not in Newspapers

The Time Inc. CEO gets a lifetime achievement award from an industry trade group and uses it as a platform to argue for her medium's longevity. I hope she's right, but I worry that she's not. Read more »

Should Have Bought Palm When You Had the Chance, Dell…

Dell, the second-rate PC company, may soon become a second-rate handset company as well. Anonymous sources tell The Wall Street Journal that the company has developed prototype smartphones that work on Windows Mobile and Google’s Android operating system. The first is said to boast a touchscreen similar to Apple’s iPhone, the other a slide-out QWERTY keypad like the Palm Pre--both intended to compete in the segment dominated by the iPhone and BlackBerry devices. According to the Journal, Dell may uncrate one or the other, or both, as early as February. Read more »


Facebook’s Latest Craze: Tag, You’re It (Repeat 24 More Times)

Well, you knew the kids would eventually get tired of throwing all those sheep and posting drunken pictures of themselves. Now comes a more sober--but still utterly self-absorbed--new craze on social-networking sites, most especially Facebook of late. It's called "25 Random Things." Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. I suddenly miss SuperPoking. Read more »

The More Things Change…

Here is the latest comic from our Joy of Tech friends at Geek Culture, Nitrozac and Snaggy. Joy of Tech appears three times a week in the Voices section of this site. (Click on the image to see a bigger version.) Read more »


Does Adobe Deserve the Most Downloads Record?

Adobe Systems may have a claim to the world record for most software downloads in a day--if the company wants to push its case. Over the summer, the Mozilla Foundation, which makes the Firefox Web browser, started a campaign to break the Guinness World Record for the most times a piece of software was downloaded in a single day. Read more »

A News Corp. Bull Throws in the Towel; Wall Street Journal Layoffs Coming?

Longtime Rupert Murdoch fan Rich Greenfield says he's worried that money losers like Dow Jones will pull News Corp. down, and cut his rating to "sell." Perhaps this will cheer him up: The Wall Street Journal is reportedly bracing for layoffs next week. Read more »

QOTD DD Shorty

It was an interesting chance discovery.”

Norbert Klossner, head of Zurich police’s specialist narcotics unit, on a two-acre field of marijuana field his officers found while using Google Earth

Miss Yahoogle? Try a Brown Bag Lunch on the Topic Today!

Today, for interested lawyers, the American Bar Association is hosting a "brown bag" lunch and discussion in Washington, D.C. on the now-scuttled Google/Yahoo deal. Ominously titled: THE GOOGLE/YAHOO! AGREEMENT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE ANTITRUST ENFORCEMENT IN ONLINE ADVERTISING, the gathering could not come at a more perfect time, given that comScore's 2008 Digital Year In Review report, released yesterday, showed the power of Google at an all-time high, no matter how much Yahoo-chasing, lawyer-rattling and lobbying Microsoft has done. Read more »

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Internet Says Goodbye to Martin Schaedel

Martin Schaedel, a young and slightly mysterious Internet entrepreneur, died Wednesday in a plane crash. Now his many friends and acquaintances are meeting for the first time, on the Web. Read more »

Semi Earnings Roundup: Grim Tidings All Around

There's kind of a pattern to today's very large batch of earnings from the semiconductor and semi equipment companies. The Q4 numbers in most cases were well telegraphed; many companies in the sector had already pre-announced rotten results. Many have cut heads, are cutting heads, or will cut heads. And the guidance for the March quarter is generally for double-digit sequential revenue declines. Read more »

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There's more good stuff on BoomTown, Digital Daily, MediaMemo, Voices and All Things Video

iLife Gets Better; Just Don’t Ask It to Find a Face

Walt reviews the new features of iPhoto, GarageBand and iMovie in Apple's iLife ’09. Read more »

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