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Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health Extramural Nexus
  November 2008
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Prepare Now for the Switch From PureEdge to Adobe
sticky note that says "reminder"

In September 2008, the NIH Extramural Nexus announced the upcoming arrival of new Adobe-based application forms for electronic submissions. The article alerted readers that most electronic submissions to NIH on or after January 1, 2009, must use the new Adobe-based forms (see the full Adobe transition timeline for more dates and details). As the winter holidays rapidly approach, we realize that our January transition date is right around the corner. Consequently the time to prepare for the switch from PureEdge to Adobe is NOW!

Adobe-based application packages will become available after the first week of December 2008. Applicants should download the new application from the FOA for which they are applying after December 5, 2008.

We remind you that the new Adobe-based forms require very specific software. To ensure a smooth transition, everyone who will work on an application must download Adobe Reader version 8.1.3 or later – available at no cost from – and use it to open and complete their application(s). Non-compatible versions of Adobe Reader will prevent successful submission to; make sure to install compatible software before you begin your application!

Detailed information about the transition and additional resources can be found at the following links:

NIH initially intended to accommodate multiple form changes in conjunction with January’s move to Adobe; however, a delay in receiving the revised forms has prompted us to modify our schedule. (For a list of planned form changes, see Guide Notice # NOT-OD-08-073). This means that applicants will need to return to their respective FOAs in April to download the latest version of the Adobe-based application forms for receipt dates of May 2009 and beyond.

Remember: Although the software has changed, the electronic submission process has NOT. The new Adobe forms will have the same look and feel as PureEdge forms, and the overall process of finding opportunities, preparing forms and submitting applications will remain the same.

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