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Hurricane Information

Waivers, public health emergency declarations, Medicare fee-for-service payment and billing policies, information on the Emergency Prescription Assistance Program, and other hurricane-related information can be found in the downloads and related links sections below.

Emergency Prescription Assistance Program (EPAP) - Ike Activation [PDF, 33 KB]

Emergency Prescription Assistance Program (EPAP) - Gustav Activation [PDF, 55 KB]

Hurricane Ike/Gustav Medicare FFS Qs and As [PDF 142KB] - Updated 10/3/2008

HIPAA Privacy and Disclosures in Emergency Situations [PDF, 39KB]

Outreach Message for Full Duals [PDF, 23KB]

Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Guidelines [PDF, 39KB]

Signed Waiver under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act for Rita [PDF, 29KB]

Stark 1135 Waiver [PDF, 82KB]
Related Links Inside CMS
Section 319 declaration for Louisiana

Section 1135 waiver for Louisiana

Waiver of Modification of Requirements Under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act - Hurricane Ike

Public Health Emergency Declaration - Hurricane Ike

Waiver of Modification of Requirements Under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act - Hurricane Gustav

Public Health Emergency Declaration - Hurricane Gustav

HHS Hurricane Gustav Information

Survey and Certification Issues Related to All Hazards

Medicaid Katrina State Waivers

Fact Sheet: CMS Actions to Help Beneficiaries, Providers in Katrina Stricken Areas

Hurricane Katrina Mailing List
Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
Federal Payments Available for Hurricane Relief/Recovery

Signed Waiver under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act for Katrina

Hurricane Katrina: What Government is Doing (Department of Homeland Security)

Hurricane Katrina Information from HHS (Department of Health and Human Services)

Hurricane Recovery (Firstgov.gov)


Page Last Modified: 10/03/2008 1:32:46 PM
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