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Olivier Rixe, M.D., Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Spano JP, Chodkiewicz C, Maurel J, Wong R, Wasan H, Barone C, Létourneau R, Bajetta E, Pithavala Y, Bycott P, Trask P, Liau K, Ricart AD, Kim S, Rixe O.
Efficacy of gemcitabine plus axitinib compared with gemcitabine alone in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: an open-label randomised phase II study.
Lancet. 371: 2101-8, 2008.
2)  Thibault F, Billemont B, Rixe O.
Regression of brain metastases of renal cell carcinoma with antiangiogenic therapy.
J. Neurooncol. 86: 243-4, 2008.
3)  Rixe O, Bukowski RM, Michaelson MD, Wilding G, Hudes GR, Bolte O, Motzer RJ, Bycott P, Liau KF, Freddo J, Trask PC, Kim S, Rini BI.
Axitinib treatment in patients with cytokine-refractory metastatic renal-cell cancer: a phase II study.
Lancet Oncol. 8: 975-84, 2007.
4)  Rixe O, Billemont B, Izzedine H.
Hypertension as a predictive factor of Sunitinib activity.
Ann. Oncol. 18: 1117, 2007.
5)  Rixe O, Fojo T.
Is cell death a critical end point for anticancer therapies or is cytostasis sufficient?.
Clin. Cancer Res. 13: 7280-7, 2007.
6)  Billemont B, Izzedine H, Rixe O.
Macrocytosis due to treatment with sunitinib.
N. Engl. J. Med. 357: 1351-2; author reply 1352, 2007.
7)  Izzedine H, Billemont B, Thibault F, Rixe O.
New challenges in kidney cancer therapy: sunitinib.
Ann. Oncol. 18 Suppl 9: ix83-6, 2007.
8)  Motzer RJ, Hutson TE, Tomczak P, Michaelson MD, Bukowski RM, Rixe O, Oudard S, Negrier S, Szczylik C, Kim ST, Chen I, Bycott PW, Baum CM, Figlin RA.
Sunitinib versus interferon alfa in metastatic renal-cell carcinoma.
N. Engl. J. Med. 356: 115-24, 2007.
9)  Izzedine H, Brocheriou I, Deray G, Rixe O.
Thrombotic microangiopathy and anti-VEGF agents.
Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 22: 1481-2, 2007.
10)  Cals L, Rixe O, François E, Favre R, Merad L, Deplanque G, Laadem A, Juin P, Bereder JM, Bernardini D, Herait P.
Dose-finding study of weekly 24-h continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil associated with alternating oxaliplatin or irinotecan in advanced colorectal cancer patients.
Ann. Oncol. 15: 1018-24, 2004.
11)  Raymond E, Boige V, Faivre S, Sanderink GJ, Rixe O, Vernillet L, Jacques C, Gatineau M, Ducreux M, Armand JP.
Dosage adjustment and pharmacokinetic profile of irinotecan in cancer patients with hepatic dysfunction.
J. Clin. Oncol. 20: 4303-12, 2002.
12)  Monnet I, de CH, Soulié P, Saltiel-Voisin S, Bekradda M, Saltiel JC, Brain E, Rixe O, Yataghene Y, Misset JL, Cvitkovic E.
Oxaliplatin plus vinorelbine in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: final results of a multicenter phase II study.
Ann. Oncol. 13: 103-7, 2002.
13)  Faivre S, Raymond E, Boige V, Gatineau M, Buthaut X, Rixe O, Bernareggi A, Camboni G, Armand JP.
A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of the novel aza-anthracenedione compound BBR 2778 in patients with advanced solid malignancies.
Clin. Cancer Res. 7: 43-50, 2001.
14)  Vandier D, Rixe O, Besnard F, Kim M, Rikiyama T, Goldsmith M, Brenner M, Gouyette A, Cowan KH.
Inhibition of glioma cells in vitro and in vivo using a recombinant adenoviral vector containing an astrocyte-specific promoter.
Cancer Gene Ther. 7: 1120-6, 2000.
15)  Boige V, Raymond E, Faivre S, Gatineau M, Meely K, Mekhaldi S, Pautier P, Ducreux M, Rixe O, Armand JP.
Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of the camptothecin analog DX-8951f administered as a 30-minute infusion every 3 weeks in patients with advanced cancer.
J. Clin. Oncol. 18: 3986-92, 2000.
16)  Vandier D, Calvez V, Massade L, Gouyette A, Mickley L, Fojo T, Rixe O.
Transactivation of the metallothionein promoter in cisplatin-resistant cancer cells: a specific gene therapy strategy.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 92: 642-7, 2000.
17)  Schlaifer D, Rixe O.
Lost potential in France?.
Science. 279: 1431-2, 1998.
18)  Armand JP, Terret C, Couteau C, Rixe O.
CPT-11. The European experience.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 803: 282-91, 1996.
19)  Ghoumari AM, Rixe O, Yarovoi SV, Zerrouqi A, Mouawad R, Poynard T, Opolon P, Khayat D, Soubrane C.
Gene transfer in hepatocarcinoma cell lines: in vitro optimization of a virus-free system.
Gene Ther. 3: 483-90, 1996.
20)  Yarovoi SV, Mouawad R, Colbère-Garapin F, Soubrane C, Khayat D, Rixe O.
In vitro sensitization of the B16 murine melanoma cells to ganciclovir by different RNA and plasmid DNA constructions encoding HSVtk.
Gene Ther. 3: 913-8, 1996.
21)  Rixe O, Ortuzar W, Alvarez M, Parker R, Reed E, Paull K, Fojo T.
Oxaliplatin, tetraplatin, cisplatin, and carboplatin: spectrum of activity in drug-resistant cell lines and in the cell lines of the National Cancer Institute's Anticancer Drug Screen panel.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 52: 1855-65, 1996.
22)  Rixe O, Borel C, Paraiso D, Benhammouda A, Petit T, Antoine E, Bizzari JP, Auclerc G, Soubrane C, Weil M.
Fotemustine, dacarbazine, vindesine combination chemotherapy in advanced malignant melanoma: a phase II study of 43 patients.
Melanoma Res. 5: 419-24, 1995.
23)  Khayat D, Borel C, Tourani JM, Benhammouda A, Antoine E, Rixe O, Vuillemin E, Bazex PA, Thill L, Franks R.
Sequential chemoimmunotherapy with cisplatin, interleukin-2, and interferon alfa-2a for metastatic melanoma.
J. Clin. Oncol. 11: 2173-80, 1993.
24)  Zerrouqi A, Rixe O, Ghoumari AM, Yarovoi SV, Mouawad R, Khayat D, Soubrane C.
Liposomal delivery of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene in glioma: improvement of cell sensitization to ganciclovir.
Cancer Gene Ther. 3: 385-92, , ,.

This page was last updated on 8/4/2008.