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Conversion of Units

From: To:
From:                 To:


You may write a numerical value and a permissible unit into the free-form field. Alternatively, the unit may be selected from the selector box. The numerical value may be omitted (default is 1).
You may select the "wanted" unit from the selector box. Alternatively, a permissible "wanted" unit (US name) may be written into the free-form field (usually, no numerical value).

Numerical value
unsigned integer or decimal number. A power of ten may be appended by suffixing "+" or "-" and the exponent. "|" denotes a fraction. The numbers "pi" and "mole" are predefined. Examples:
3+6 (3 millions)
1-3 (1 thousandth)
1|3 (1 third)
You may choose the international symbol or the US name, case is observed. Note: "h" denotes the Planck constant, "hr" is equivalent to "hour". "g" is equivalent to "gram", whereas "grav" (or "force") denotes the gravitational acceleration. "mol" denotes the SI unit, whereas "mole" (or "Mol") is numerically equal to Avogadro's number ("NA").
Basic units are separated by "-" or spaces, division is indicated by "/", powers by suffixed positive integers. Example:
m2 (= square meters)
m2-kg/s2 (= joule, SI unit J)
Erroneous symbols in the output
in the "conformability" output, negative exponents are incorrectly displayed; the meanings are as follows:
/ to the -1
. to the -2
- to the -3
, to the -4
+ to the -5

Currency Conversion
You should follow the link given above. Our table is only valid for euro currencies!

Symbol          US-Name
------          -------
A               amp (ampere)
C               coul (coulomb)
dyn             dyne
erg             erg
F               farad
G               gauss
g               gm (gram)
H               henry
Hz              hz (hertz)
J               joule
K               degC (kelvin)
kg              kg (kilogram)
l               liter
m               m (meter)
MHz             mhz (megahertz)
ml              ml (milliliter)
Mx              maxwell
N               nt (newton)
Oe              oe (oersted)
P               poise
Pa              pascal
s               s (sec, second)
St              stoke
T               tesla
V               volt
W               watt
Wb              weber
Ohm (Omega)     ohm

a0              Bohr radius (bohrradius)
alpha           reciprocal fine structure constant
amu             atomic mass unit
au              astronomical unit
c               speed of light in vacuum
e               elementary charge
epsilon         permittivity of vacuum (permittivity)
faraday         Faraday constant
force           acceleration of gravity
gammae          electron gyromagnetic ratio
gammap          proton gyromagnetic ratio (in water)
ge              electron Lande factor (g value)
gH              proton Lande factor
grav            acceleration of gravity (same as force)
Grav            gravitational constant (gravity)
h               Planck constant (planckconstant)
hartree         atomic energy unit
hbar            h/2 pi (hquer)
k               Boltzmann constant (boltzmannconstant)
lambdac         Compton wavelength (comptonwavelength)
me              electron rest mass (electronmass)
mn              neutron rest mass (neutronmass)
mp              proton rest mass (protonmass)
mole            equal to Avogadro's number (pure number!)
Mol             same as mole
mu              permeability of vacuum (permeability)
muB             Bohr magneton (mub, bohrmagneton)
mun             nuclear magneton (muN, nuclearmagneton)
NA              Avogadro's number (unit /mol)
nue             electron Larmor frequency factor
nup             proton Larmor frequency factor
pi              3.14159... (Ludolf's number)
R               gas constant
Vmol            molar volume

The script makes use of the Unix program units. For further details, see the man page of units


From: To:

degC: degree Celsius (centigrade), degF: degree Fahrenheit, degR: degree Réaumur


www(at) Imprint Last modification: 2007-08-17