Treponema denticola ATCC 35405
Gene Image Map

 Treponema denticola database overview  

Treponema denticola is an obligatory anaerobe for which a complete genomic sequence is herein generously made available in advance of publication by George Weinstock, Steven Norris and colleagues at the Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas--Houston. This sequence is in GenBank under gi number 42516522 and a paper has been submitted (Seshadri, R et al., Comparison of the genome of the oral pathogen Treponema denticola with other spirochete genomes. PNAS 2004, PMID: 15064399). Work on this genome was funded by NIDCR at the NIH (5R01DE012488-03). Strain 35405 was employed for the sequencing project. For questions regarding the sequencing and the strain, contact George Weinstock.

Nearly 2800 orfs are encoded in the 2.8 Mb circular chromosome. Approximately 45 orfs predicted by the LANL Oralgen project but not by Seshadri, et al. and GenBank are included. The core information in this database is a table of annotated records: each gene record is identified by a gene ID, TDE0001 - TDE2786; be forewarned that record designations have some discontinuities and some IDs utilize the number suffix 1. Basic summaries of specific information are available below in the Predefined Database Searches that contain links to the particular gene record. Specialized analysis sections of the database are available below in the Specialized Analysis section.

Browsing and searching are also facilitated by the 'Functional Classes', 'EC Table', and 'Biochemical Pathways' summaries. For precise inquiries on the other hand, start with the search capabilities and their associated tables. We invite anyone with questions or suggestions to contact us (

Twenty-nine references covering years 2002-2004 have been drawn from the molecular subset of MedLine and included herein. If any pertinent reference over this time period has been inadvertantly omitted, please let us know.

A plasmid sequence, pTS1, has been reported in association with T.denticola and is included in this database. This plasmid sequence, of approximately 3.6 kb, encodes 4 or more orfs some of which are thought to be involved in replication and mobilization. For further information about the plasmid, see Chauhan and Kuramitsu, Plasmid (2004) 51: 61-65 PMID: 14711531.

User Defined Database Searches
Basic Search
Intermediate Search
Sequence Search
Protein Motif Search
Repeat Search

Predefined Database Searches
Genomic Island Table
Secondary Structure Table
Definition Table
Functional Classes Table
EC Table
PDB Table
Metabolic Pathways
Repeat Table
Codon Usage Table

Specialized Analysis
Proteome Comparisons
ABC Transporters
Base Composition Analysis

RNA Tables and Maps
Transfer RNA Table
Ribosomal RNA Table
Transfer & Ribosomal RNA Map

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