
NCI-Frederick on Hurricane Katrina Relief

Spotlight Archive

To all employees at NCI-Frederick:

We are fortunate to have a unique opportunity to help our colleagues in the Gulf Coast Region who are affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Because of our designation as a Federally-funded Research & Development Center, and because we are primarily a contractor-operated facility, I believe that we are in a unique position to respond rapidly to the needs of these colleagues in science, including investigators, lab technicians, computer and library support staff, and others.

This message is to ask for your help in aiding these colleagues and their families who have been displaced in the disaster. We have the abilities to bring a limited number of individuals to the NCI-Frederick as guest researchers. In a very few cases, they may even be able to continue their research, but in the majority of cases, we envision that their time here will be more closely akin to a sabbatical, in which they are able to learn new technologies or expand their level of expertise into emerging areas of technology. We also believe that in some cases, efforts to support and continue existing collaborations, or to develop new collaborations may be possible. In some cases, we may simply be providing our colleagues with an office and limited support to assist them with rebuilding their research efforts.

I am asking all of you--every government and contractor employee--to assess whether you can help relocate a colleague for the short term (6 to 12 months) while the universities and laboratories of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama recover. Please consider whether you are willing to share space, materials and resources in this effort. Please be aware that we are unlikely to see significant resources to support this relief effort. We also understand that in some cases, our participation could even have some short-term effects on productivity. However, I feel strongly that the long-term results of this effort will assure the future of some of our nation's best research, as well as reinforce the valuable role our NCI-Frederick programs play in meeting the needs of the NCI, the NIH and the nation. If you would like to help, please contact one of the individuals listed below as soon as possible.

In addition, if you know specifically of NCI/NIH grantees, their support staff, or other colleagues who need help, please tell us. As you know, communications are spotty, at best, and we will use every means to locate and help those in need.

I have appointed an NCI-Frederick Katrina Relief Task Force composed of government and contractor employees: Mr. Donald Harne, Mr. Galen Mayfield, Ms. Susan Wilson, Ms. Ellen Miller, Dr. Kristin Komschlies, and Ms. Cheryl Parrott to coordinate this effort. All are ready to answer your questions or expedite your efforts. To indicate your willingness to help, or for any questions, suggestions or clarification, please contact Dr. Komschlies ( or Ms. Parrott (

Obviously, the need is urgent, and we want to offer help immediately. If we move quickly and decisively we can provide critical relief to our colleagues in science as they rebuild after this disaster.

Thank you all for your expressions of concern and willingness to help.

Craig W. Reynolds, Ph.D. NCI Associate Director for Frederick