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News for Researchers


Visit for more information on these and other NCCAM-sponsored funding opportunities.

Program Announcements

PA-05-090: Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Sponsors: NCCAM and 11 other components of NIH.
The study of human behavior and interactions can provide insights into the cause, treatment, and prevention of diseases. The goal of this initiative is to improve the quality of the research data in this field.

PAR-05-072 and PAR-05-073: International Research Collaboration—Basic Biomedical (072) and Behavioral, Social Sciences (073)
Sponsors: NCCAM, Fogarty International Center, and eight other components of NIH.
These programs will foster research partnerships between NIH-supported U.S. scientists and their colleagues in the developing world. NCCAM's funding will support study of highly promising traditional medical practices.

PA-05-117: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants (T35)
Sponsors: NCCAM and 13 other components of NIH.
This program will help students pursue research careers by providing training opportunities in the health-related sciences.


NCCAM Director's Fellowship
This fellowship is an opportunity at NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, where the awardee will perform CAM-related research through NIH's intramural program. See

Policy Updates

Research Funding Priorities
NCCAM has released priorities for funding of new research projects. See

NOT-AT-05-003 and NOT-AT-05-004: NCCAM Interim Policy and Applicant Guidance on Product Quality: Biologically Active Agents Used in Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Placebo Materials This policy replaces NCCAM's 2003 "Policy Announcement on the Quality of Natural Products" and addresses product quality, scope of research, and Investigational New Drug applications. See

Call for Abstracts

Research Conference on Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Abstract submissions are sought for a CAM research conference cofunded by NCCAM and planned for May 2006 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Submissions are due in September 2005. See