This graphic is titled Research Avenues for Molecular Targeting. It shows a cancer cell and its microenvironment surrounded by five icons. The icons are as follows:
  1. A circle composed of three arrows, with a dotted line arrow around one third of the outside of the circle. This icon represents efforts to influence the cancer cell to reregulate itself, or assume a more normal state.
  2. A cross. This icon represents efforts to turn on self-destruct pathways that cause a cancer cell to commit suicide.
  3. A y-shaped antibody molecule. This icon represents efforts to stimulate the body's immune system to reject the cancer.
  4. An infinity sign overlaid with a circle with a diagonal strike through it. This icon represents efforts to prevent the cell from acquiring the capacity to repeatedly replicate itself.
  5. An illustration of blood vessels, overlaid with a circle with a diagonal strike through it. This icon represents efforts to interfere with a cell's capacity to use surrounding tissue to support its growth - e.g., through angiogenesis.

end of description

This graphic illustrates the National Cancer Institute's role in cancer research. Three types of activities are described in text arranged in an ellipse orbiting around the phrase "Partnerships & Collaborations". The three paragraphs are:
  1. Integrate discovery. Interdisciplinary science
  2. Accelerate development. Translational research
  3. Ensure delivery. Application in the Clinic & Public Health Programs

end of description

This graphic illustrates the process of drug discovery and development. Three text areas are lined up over a line showing the span of 15 years. Arrows associated with each text area indicate roughly where on the timeline each step in the process can beginThe three text areas are:
  1. Identification and Preclinical Testing - Averages 4.4 years - Associated arrow points at 0 years<
  2. Clinical Trials - Averages 8.6 years - Associated arrow points at just above 4 years
  3. Post-Clinical Trials

end of description

This graphic is a pie chart illustrating the proportions of the budget assigned to each of ten major line items. The percentages are as follows, listed in descending order:

Line Item Percentage
Research Project Grants 45.5%
Intramural Research 12.8%
Research Support Contracts 11.2%
Clinical Trials Infrastructure 9.3%
Cancer Centers 6.1%
Research Management and Support 4.0%
Cancer Control Operations 3.3%
SPOREs 3.3%
Training and Education Grants 3.1%
Other Grants 1.5%

end of description

This graphic is a pie chart illustrating the proportions of the requested increases assigned to each of ten major line items. The percentages are as follows, listed in descending order:

Line Item Percentage
Research Project Grants 40.9%
Clinical Trials Infrastructure 17.3%
Research Support Contracts 15.8%
Cancer Centers 8.0%
Research Management and Support 5.0%
SPOREs 5.0%
Intramural Research 4.3%
Other Grants 2.0%
Training and Education Grants 1.2%
Cancer Control Operations 0.6%