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Mae Jemison

Biosketches - Mae Jemison

Born on October 17, in Decatur, Alabama.


Graduates from public school in Chicago.
Enters Stanford University at the age of 16.

1977 Graduates with a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering and a B.A. degree in African and Afro-American Studies.
1977-1981 Attends Cornell Medical School. While there, she travels to Cuba, Kenya, and Thailand to provide primary medical care. She earns her Doctorate in Medicine in 1981.
1983 Spends two years in the Peace Corps as a Medical Officer for Sierra Leone and Liberia in West Africa.

Works with CIGNA Health Plans of California as a medical doctor. Begins graduate courses in engineering.
Applies to the NASA astronaut training program and is not accepted.


Accepted by NASA to be an astronaut candidate.


Finishes astronaut training and becomes the fifth black astronaut and the first female astronaut.


Becomes the first woman of color to go into space. While in space, she conducts experiments in life science and material science.

1993 Resigns from NASA and becomes a faculty member of Dartmouth College in the environmental studies program. At Dartmouth, she is also the Director of the Jemison Institute for Advancing Technology in Developing Countries.

More Information About Mae Jemison

For more information about Mae Jemison, visit the following websites:
NASA: Mae Jemison
Faces of Science: Mae Jemison

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