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Mouse Index >> Mouse Atlases

Allen Brain Atlas Project
The Allen Brain Atlas project, named for its founder Paul G. Allen, will combine the disciplines of neuroanatomy and genomics to create the most comprehensive map of the brain at the cellular level, illustrating the functional anatomy of the brain through a collection of gene expression maps, brain circuits and cell locations.

The Gensat database contains a gene expression atlas of the central nervous system of the mouse based on bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).

Cell-centered database
The Cell Centered Database or CCDB was created to house the types of high resolution 3D light and electron microscopic reconstructions produced at the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research

MAP Mouse Atlas Project
The goal of the Mouse Atlas Project (MAP) is to empower researchers with the ability to compare gene expression patterns with a conveniently accessible inventory of digital brain maps.

The goal of the project is to analyze and compare gene expression patterns in the mouse brain.

uMRI Atlas of Mouse Development
This site allows visitors to query cerebral structures of a 13.5 dpc mouse embryo and view 3-D reconstruction's of those structures as well as reconstructions of the entire embryo.

The Mouse Brain Library at the University of Tennessee
Many different strains of mice, high-resolution scans of ~20 sections on a slide

The Mouse Atlas and Gene Expression Database Project at the University of Edinburgh
Atlas of mouse embryos

The Center for In Vivo Microscopy at Duke University
Javascript viewer for whole adult mouse, no delineations

MuriTech Internet Atlas of Mouse Development
Internet accessible mouse embryo atlas, commercial

GeneEMAC - 3D Visualization of Developmental Gene Expression
3D reconstruction of 3 whole mount in situ hybridization mouse embryos

The High Resolution Mouse Brain Atlas at Harvard University
2D, nissl and myelin, collection of images

NeuroMouse at Mount Sinai Hospital Research Institute
Available on CD, hypertext atlas containing images and text

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Embryos at the University of Michigan
Collections of images of mouse embryos

The Visible Mouse at the University of California, Davis
Whole mouse atlas, multiple modality (MRI, histology, GEMs)

Common Mouse at UW, MSU, and NMHM
Collections of images of various mammals, including mouse (2 pics) and rat

Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression 
This project aims to be a quantitative and comprehensive atlas of gene expression in mouse development. More background on this project can be found on the About the Project page.

Any questions or concerns regarding the genetics programs please contact Jonathan D. Pollock Ph.D. (301) 443-1887 or

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