The NIH Record masthead graphic, part 1 of 3

October 31, 2000
Vol. LII, No. 22

Contents graphic

NIH Grantees, Alumni Awarded Nobel Prizes

NIH Welcomes Community Voices On Genetic Research

14th Research Festival Takes Advantage of Great Weather, Science

Randall To Give Keller Lecture, Nov. 16

NIH Kicks Off 2000 Combined Federal Campaign

News Briefs

New Appointments



Study Subjects Sought

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives


The NIH Record masthead graphic, part 2 of 3
The NIH Record masthead graphic, part 2a of 3, long blue bar column separator


The NIH Record

Farmers Rout Hunter-Gatherers
Diamond Posits a Plausible Human Past

By Rich McManus

Dr. Jared Diamond

Those of you already comfortable giving 50-minute extemporaneous speeches based on your Pulitzer Prize-winning book may not have been impressed, but the audience that heard Dr. Jared Diamond tour 13,000 years of human history at the NIH Director's Cultural Lecture Sept. 18 in Masur Auditorium rewarded him with sustained applause that didn't so much acknowledge the feat of organization and memory as honor an intellectual adventurer who didn't let disciplinary boundaries impede a far-ranging and compelling mind.
M O R E . . .

Campaign Raises Awareness About Primary Immunodeficiency

By Christina Stile

Their warning signs often go unrecognized. They present themselves as routine, recurrent childhood illnesses such as ear infections, sinus infections and bronchitis; they show little improvement when treated with standard antibiotics. They are the nearly 80 hereditary disorders collectively known as primary immunodeficiency (PI). To raise awareness about this condition and its 10 warning signs, Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY) joined NIH officials and Fred and Vicki Modell of the Jeffrey Modell Foundation on Capitol Hill to launch a national information campaign about PI.
M O R E . . .