About NCI

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Who We Are

The National Cancer Institute

... bringing together resources to achieve a future when all cancers are controlled or eliminated by stimulating and supporting research and its application

Each year, our work involves the efforts of a multitude of dedicated people across the United States and around the world.

  • Almost 5,000 principal investigators lead research projects to understand cancer and develop better ways to prevent, detect and diagnose, treat, and control it. These people conduct studies at NCI and at nearly 650 universities, hospitals, and other sites in our country and abroad.

  • More than 10,000 physicians and 200,000 patients participate in NCI-sponsored clinical trials for cancer treatment, prevention, and early detection interventions. About 1,300 trials are conducted annually at 1,700 hospitals and cancer centers around the country.

  • Thousands of scientific, health care, technical, and other specialists carry out the vital day-to-day laboratory, clinical, and administrative work of cancer research.

  • Nearly 2,000 students and postdoctoral fellows pursue the specialized research training required to become part of the next generation of cancer scientists and research leaders.

  • Hundreds of scientific and medical experts and representatives of advocacy groups help NCI identify research needs and opportunities, set priorities, and assess progress.

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