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NIH Record  
Vol. LVII, No. 23
November 18, 2005
'Risky Business' in Intramural Research
NINR Marks 20th Anniversary
Wheelchair Hoops Mark Disability Awareness Events
NLM Gathers Video Archivists to Advance Video Preservation Technologies
Halloween CFC Party Unmasks Heroes for Charity
The State of Waste at NIH
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Zerhouni Assures NIH 'Stakeholders' About Agency's Future
  Director Dr. Elias A.Zerhouni
NIH director Dr. Elias Zerhouni held an 80-minute town hall meeting Oct. 20 in Lipsett Amphitheater, addressing an audience of NIH "stakeholders" — the network of science-related societies, advocacy groups, academic medical centers and watchdogs — about NIH's plans to land softly from the recent budget doubling, negotiate congressional reauthorization to the agency's best advantage and survive an era of tight budgets.

'Physician, Heal Thyself'
Identifying, Helping 'Disruptive' Doctors
  Dr. Anderson Spickard, Jr.
Chances are you've witnessed behavior like this at work: A coworker known for his temper tantrums becomes unreasonably angry at the slightest provocation. Often he is moody, sometimes verbally abusive. Office mates have learned to steer clear of him, but work has started to suffer. Fairly soon the whole operation begins to feel the effects. Everyone but him can see he needs help.