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NIH Record
Vol. LVIII, No. 17
August 25, 2006
A Year After Katrina, Grantee Looks Forward to Normalcy
Harvard's Reede Delivers Diggs Lecture
Commissioned Corps Holds Promotion Ceremony
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Molecular Libraries: Creating a Unique Research Tool
Roadmap 'Pathways' Boldly Go Where No Others Have
  One of hundreds of 1,536-well microtiter plates that NCGC uses for all of its screening
What if you glanced around at your workload and figured that — even if you toiled away at a superhuman pace — you'd still need 10,000 years to get the job done? Essentially that's what's facing Dr. Christopher Austin and his colleagues at the NIH Chemical Genomics Center (NCGC). And rather than shrink from seemingly insurmountable odds, Austin and dozens of scientists like him are rallying around their gargantuan objective: To learn what happens to all the proteins in the human body when they are exposed — individually — to all the known chemicals in the universe.

Kids Rule
Studies Show Children Are Prime Force In Language Change
We know that when tots start talking, they learn fast — words tumble out of the mouths of our babes. Yet because we live in language the way fish live in water, we may take its acquisition for granted. There's more to it than naming things — grammar, too, must be learned. Rules of structure deploy words in action the way a fish's backbone gives it swimming power. Yet since language is a living, breathing thing, rules can change.