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NIH Record  
Vol. LVIII, No. 8
April 21, 2006
Wing Presents Hopeful Findings in Weight Control
'SciLife 2006' Career-Planning Pilot Deemed a Success
Lecture on 'Imaging and Acupuncture,' Apr. 26 in Masur
Friedlander To Give Inaugural NEI Sayer Lecture
Environmental Policy Asks Something of Us All
NIAMS at 20
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With No Easy Answers, Research to Continue
Caesarean Delivery on Maternal Request: Yea or Nay?
  Panel chair Dr. Mary V. D'Alton,
Columbia University's director of
obstetrics and gynecology
An independent panel of experts assembled by NIH has determined that there is not enough quality evidence to fully evaluate the risks and benefits of caesarean delivery on maternal request (CDMR) as compared with planned vaginal delivery. More research, they said, is needed.

The panel also found that until sufficient evidence becomes available, "any decision to perform a CDMR should be carefully individualized and consistent with ethical principles."

Making Memories
Smiling Security Guard Spreads Early Morning Cheer
"I never forget a face. But in your case, I'd be glad to make an exception," the wise-cracking Groucho Marx remarked in one of his comedies from over half a century ago.

In the case of Damien Staten, however, it's no joke. He truly never forgets a face. Or makes an exception. In fact, the affable NIH security guard can line up the proper mug with the appropriate name of some 100, 200 or perhaps as many as 300 NIH employees who pass through the Wilson Drive entrance each morning on the way to work. How does he do it? And with a cheery countenance that lights up the morning for staffers fortunate enough to come vis-à-vis with him?