The NIH Record

August 11, 1998
Vol. L, No. 16

NIH'ers Bring New Technology
to Local Students

NIH Smoking Policy Revamped

Stamp Revenues Benefit
Breast Cancer Studies

MacKinnon Directs New Retirement and Benefits Center

HRMI -- What Does It
Mean for NIH?

NIEHS Makes NCI Scientist
Feel at Home

Yes, There Is Life After NIH, Retirees Report

News Briefs




Study Subjects Sought

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

Vice President Gore Warns
of Tobacco Ills

The greatest health challenge facing the United States today is protecting future generations of Americans from nicotine addiction through smoking, said Vice President Albert Gore (left) at NIDA's July 27-28 "Addicted to Nicotine: A National Research Forum" in Natcher auditorium. Gore said tobacco companies are spending billions of dollars to promote smoking among youth, creating a "deadly addiction." He announced that the Clinton Administration will increase NCI funding for nicotine research by $38 million over the next 2 years.

Dr. Alan I. Leshner (left), NIDA director, said a new study funded in part by NIDA, and published in the July 25 issue of Nature, found some individuals carry a gene variant that may help protect them from becoming addicted to nicotine. "We are very excited about the findings from this study and its implications for understanding and treating nicotine addiction," he said.

Neurolab Becomes Centerpiece
of NIH-NASA Collaboration

By José Alvarado

Astronaut Richard Linnehan described Neurolab as "a high quality flight."

Like Columbus' maiden voyage that yielded the discovery of the New World, scientists from NIH and NASA expect that collaboration between the two agencies in the Neurolab program will open up a new frontier in space exploration and neuroscience.
M O R E . . .