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  419 Answers Available     Page:   of 21    Next Page
ID   ID - Sort Descending (Z to A) ID - Sort Ascending (A to Z) Summary   Summary - Sort Descending (Z to A) Summary - Sort Ascending (A to Z)
1 425 Locate a VFW Post.
2 18 Am I eligible to join the VFW?
3 279 Why isn't there uniform enforcement of the "no social member" policy?
4 28 What does a Life Membership cost?
5 383 Do I get extra monies from Social Security because I served in the military?
6 276 Can a convicted felon become a member of the VFW?
7 21 Must I belong to a Post?
8 27 What do annual dues cost?
9 99 Can you explain the free insurance?
10 54 Can I be buried in a National Cemetery?
11 29 Life Membership payment plan
12 288 Can members of a Post honor guard wear their military decorations on VFW uniforms?
13 19 How do I join the Veterans of Foreign Wars?
14 62 Who can I contact for assistance with my VA benefits?
15 30 How long have I been a member?
16 58 How can I receive a burial flag?
17 22 How can I change Posts?
18 4 Do I pay sales tax?
19 59 How can I obtain a headstone or marker?
20 297 Should members always wear their caps at Post meetings?
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