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Low SES Women & Girls Project

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TReND: Low SES Women and Girls Project (Phase I): The Effects of Tobacco Control Policies on Low SES Women and Girls

Resources & Publications

  • Women, Tobacco, and Cancer: An Agenda for the 21st Century (2004)
    builds on the 2001 Surgeon General's report on women and smoking by articulating a set of strategies to stimulate research and to prevent smoking related cancers in women. These strategies span the areas of discovery, development, delivery, partnerships, evaluation, and surveillance

  • Women and Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General (2001)
    summarizes smoking patterns among women and girls, the health consequences of tobacco use among women, and factors influencing tobacco use among women

  • Eliminating Tobacco-Related Health Disparities Summary Report (2005)
    is a scientific effort to review the current research, identify gaps, and develop a comprehensive research agenda to eliminate tobacco-related disparities

  • Women, Tobacco, and Cancer Portfolio (2000-2004)
    provides an overview of research and activities in tobacco use and tobacco-related cancers as they relate to women

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Last Updated: February 22, 2008

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National Cancer Institute Office of Women's Health | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health
The American Legacy Foundation | The Tobacco Research Network on Disparities (TReND)

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