Hazmat EMS

WebWISER is the online version of WISER, a system designed to assist first responders in hazardous material incidents. WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information, and containment and suppression advice.

For more information, including free downloads of a standalone version of WISER for PCs and PDAs, please see the WISER home page.

WebWISER help is available in either HTML or PDF format. Select the format you wish to view:

For a listing of the data sources used by WISER, please see the WISER Data Sources.

WebWISER Version Information

Web Application:4.2.59
Web Services:4.2.65


The U.S. Government does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed.

It is not the intention of NLM to provide specific medical advice to the public, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health.

NLM does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, process, or services.