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VISION Traveling Exhibit

Two boys at the exhibit.

A boys at the exhibit.

VISION—a 2,000-square-foot exhibit developed as part of the National Eye Institute's 25th anniversary celebration-tells the story of how the eye and brain work together to create vision and how researchers are developing ways to protect our sight.

The exhibit is designed for audiences of all ages. It includes 10 interactive modules and a display of antique eyeglasses, eye charts, and Army Signal Corps binoculars.

VISION was on tour from 1993 to 2007. The exhibit visited 33 museums in 20 cities and the District of Columbia. In December 2007, the National Eye Institute ended the VISION tour and donated the exhibit to Discovery Station in Hagerstown, Maryland, where it will remain on display indefinitely, giving the citizens of Maryland the opportunity to learn about the art and science of vision.

For more information on healthy vision and on various eye diseases and conditions, visit the Health Information section of the NEI website.


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This page was last modified in October 2008

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health