National Cancer Institute

Cancer Control and Population Sciences - NCI's bridge to public health research, practice and policy

Cancer Control and Population Sciences Home

Funding Opportunities

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Step-By-Step Grant Help

If you are a cancer control researcher who needs help with grant proposal development — from formulating an initial research idea to writing and submitting a grant — this information can help you.

  1. Learn about research priorities, resources and opportunities for cancer control research funding at NIH, NCI, and DCCPS

  2. Become familiar with grant funding mechanisms

  3. Understand submission procedures

  4. Be aware of the NIH grants timeline

  5. Understand the peer review process

  6. Develop your idea

  7. Write a strong grant application

  8. Additional resources for preparing NIH grant applications

  9. Other funding sources for cancer control research


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DCCPSNational Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health

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