The NIH Record

June 3, 1997
Vol. XLIX, No. 11

Bond Drive Kickoff
Draws Interest

The Emotional Brain:
Lessons from
Fear Conditioning

Baron To Deliver
Kreshover Lecture

Women's Health Series
Examines Elder Care

French Seek NIAAA Advice
on Alcohol Policy

Symposium on Hormones,

June Is Skin Cancer
Awareness Month

Science in the News

News Briefs




Study Subjects Sought

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

Emphasis on Employees
NIH Says 'Quality Worklife
Equals Quality Science'

By Carla Garnett

Downsize, reorganize and change. Three terms that can strike uncertainty and fear in the heart of even the most well-adjusted, productive workforce. In recent years, those terms -- no matter how gently expressed -- often have been perceived only one way by employees: "threat to job." Recognizing that, NIH has joined an effort led by HHS Secretary Donna Shalala and top departmental staff to take the bite out of those and other job-related issues that weigh heavily on workers. Amid a festive rally atmosphere, NIH took time to focus on its workforce, launching a week-long Quality of Worklife celebration May 12-16.
M O R E . . .

NIH Honors Davies
with a Day of Science

By Sharon Ricks

"When one discusses the three-dimensional shape of a protein at NIH, three things immediately come to mind: the first is excellence, the second is NIDDK, and the third is David Davies," remarked NIDDK director Dr. Phillip Gorden, launching an all-day symposium titled, "Structural Thinking in Molecular Biology." "They don't necessarily have to be in that order, but they are inextricably linked."
M O R E . . .