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News and Notes
October 2005

Welcome to News and Notes, our online journal of selected articles related to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM) celebrations, events, and topics of interest to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) community.


Much has been written about the success of the OEODM restructuring. The terms “One HHS,” “ARAC,” and “A-76” are now a part of our vocabulary. While we understand the purpose and importance of the restructuring mandate, less has been written about the equally important human side and the concerns and emotions that restructuring evokes.

The perspectives on surviving the restructuring are varied. In the words of one OEODM employee, “Restructuring for efficiency and effectiveness sounds good until it happens to you. Things worked out for me. Actually I’m surprised….” On the other side of the coin, several OEODM employees tell how chagrined they felt when, after being assigned to one division, a few months later they found themselves being “re-restructured” as a result of the division director’s retirement. Others relate the adjustment they have had to make by having four different supervisors—all within one year. Each OEODM staffer has a personal story—some positive, others not so glowing. Through it all, no matter the perspective, the OEODM restructuring is an accomplishment!

On October 25, 2005, OEODM Director Mr. Lawrence Self held an Employee Appreciation celebration. Mr. Self indicated “The OEODM continues to work on improvements to serve both our customers and our staff.” Self proudly listed several benefits the OEODM staff enjoys:

  • Staff were promoted;
  • 50% of OEODM staff participates in Alternative Work Schedule;
  • Over 50% of the OEODM staff received cash awards & recognition;
  • All staff received training allowances;
  • The Employee of the Quarter award recognizes an OEODM employee for outstanding customer service.

The smiles on the faces of the staff are the best evidence of the human side of the OEODM restructuring. Enjoy our photo album from the OEODM Appreciation Celebration and other events.

Message from the Director

Lawrence N. Self

Portrait of Mr. Larry Self, OEODM DirectorI am proud to announce that October 4, 2005, marked the 1st year anniversary of the reorganized NIH Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management (OEODM).

The 2003 reorganization plan responded to the need to standardize the NIH EEO and Diversity Management Program. The aim of the reorganization was to reduce the duplication of effort among the Institutes and Centers (ICs). An additional benefit was to better utilize the skills of the staff and improve customer service.

In 2004, I predicted the OEODM reorganization project was a difficult but doable effort. I knew it would take time, planning, and coordination. However, I was convinced that the effort would pay off in a stronger EEO and diversity management program for the NIH. This prediction was realized, and 27 ICs have been successfully consolidated into the new OEODM.

Over the past year, we have accomplished and exceeded many of the goals set for 2005. Some of the major accomplishments are that we:

  • Unified a once multi-faceted EEO program;
  • Developed customer service standards and made customer service a hallmark of the NIH EEO program;
  • Developed and distributed the OEODM Service Level Agreement (SLA) to each IC. The SLA confirms the understanding of OEODM customer service performance level expectations;
  • Updated managers and supervisors on recent EEOC regulations, including MD-715. All ICs were briefed on the elements and program standards upon which to base a model EEO program;
  • Sponsored EEO training sessions for NIH managers and supervisors, through the NIH Training Center, on subjects required by MD-715.

Thank you for working with us as we strive to make the NIH EEO program the model EEO program for the Federal government by providing EEO services that make a difference.

OEODM Photo Album

Please click on the thumbnail images for larger views of the photographs.

Photographs by Jennifer Haley and Aurelio Vasquez

We welcome your ideas and comments about how we may make our EEO News & Notes better. Please forward your input to Jayne E. Callahanhenson, Managing Editor, The Write Team, Institutes and Centers Services Division, OEODM. Ms. Callahanhenson can be reached by telephone on 301-496-7478 (v), 301-451-2290 (TTY), or by email at