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Just landed in Naw'lins. *puts party hat on*
@coreyo turns out he was there to pick somone up but had no idea what time or city he was flying in from, didn't have a phone. Nice planning
About to board the flight to Naw'lins. It's a bachelor party, so I feel sorry for anyone sitting near us. Mwaa haa haa
@ChrisSaad 20K is the whitelist api limit.
At a bar at KCI, guy next to me just asked if I was here for a flight. No, I just go hang out at airport bars when I get bored. *rolls eyes*
Off work, finishing packing, 6 hours till i'm on Bourbon Street. Awwww yeah.
Nine Inch Nails' Echoplex as performed for Microsoft Songsmith. I'm actually impressed with this one.
@TechGuyTom iPhoto? Meh. I'm on Mac & I use Picasa. iPhoto jacks up your files & folders
Probably the greatest thread existing on the internet. "What’s your favorite programmer cartoon?" #nerdhumor
Wow, UC Berkley offers a Starcraft theory course. Hah!
@scottdrummond Whoa, $2.75 pints? Thanks for the heads up.
#smckc peeps, I just created the #kcsw event page on the Ning, go check it out!
Tickets on sale for Kansas City Startup Weekend! #kcsw
Finally saw Tropic Thunder last night, heeeee-larious! For your enjoyment,
@alexalbrecht Oh man, favorite old-school game would probably be a tie between Civilization II & Jones in the Fast Lane. #favoldgame
Just finished up a yummy lunch at Chipotle with @twig1gy
Watching "High Performance Web Sites" Google TechTalk on YouTube. Good stuff.
Retweet @jeffisageek: Startup Weekend coming to Kansas City #smckc
Woo! Best Buy finally had a Wii Fit in stock, so I got it. Any suggestions for other fun games for it aside from the one it comes with?
Wooo! KC Wizards stadium construction has begun. RT @Hillcrest_Road: Demo started today at Bannister Mall. Pics:


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Josh Kopelman Jason Shellen sean bonner Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross Clay Smith Om Malik Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh sonson Mark Taylor Tim Kersey Coty Rosenblath Tim Scott Beale Mark Smithivas Josh Bancroft Opie Thomas Knoll (jeff)isageek Randy Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Al Abut Daniel Johnson, Jr. Kingsley Joseph
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