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Getting A Badge

Replacing your badge at RML

Lost/Stolen ID Badges:
Report lost/stolen ID Badges to the NIH Police at 406-363-9356 or 406-363-9492 and to your Administrative Officer (AO). Your AO will need to enter the necessary information into the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED)
to authorize a replacement ID badge. Those who have not yet undergone the PIV process will need to schedule an appointment with Personnel Security to be fingerprinted and have their background investigation initiated.

Broken Badges:
Bring broken badges to the NIH Police in Bldg. 30, Rm. 30116 for replacement. If a broken badge has not expired and the badge can be authenticated, the NIH Police will issue you a new badge. The expiration date on the new badge will be the same as the date on your broken badge. AOs will enter the expiration date of the broken badge into the NIH Employee Directory (NED) when authorizing a replacement badge for you.

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This Page Last Reviewed on June 6, 2008