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photo of two female high school students using a microscope
Title-High School-Mentoring  

High school is a perfect time to take the initiative and strike out on your own explorations of the world of science. It’s also a perfect time to look for advice and help as you begin to explore. If you’re an aspiring scientist, chances are you have a role model whose achievements and style lit up your imagination, a teacher who opened doors and showed you new worlds, or a coach who encouraged you to play you’re best… A mentor, combining a little of all three, is someone who helps you discover what your dreams and potential are – and how to achieve them.

A mentor is someone who confidently and generously shares their experience, helping you understand that success is an ongoing process, full of mistakes as well as opportunities. A mentor helps you see what’s possible by giving dreams a human face.

Many successful scientists had a mentor who helped them reach their goals. You may feel sometimes that you don’t have company on the journey you want to take; a mentor lets you know that you’re not alone. She may be the person who gave the speech that made you fall in love with astronomy, the veterinarian you see whenever you bring your pet in for a check up, the teacher who lets you ask questions after class, or the scientist who lets you interview her about a career in science.

This section helps you to find a mentor – giving you tips on everything from choosing someone to asking good questions – and helps you learn how you can be a mentor to someone else.
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