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Alternative Name Class
Major Category Metals
Category Metals, Organic Compounds
Sources/Uses Used as catalysts in organic synthesis and polymerization; [Sullivan, p. 978] Organoarsenicals (methane arsonates and cacodylic acid) are used as herbicides and defoliants, and phenylarsenic compounds are used as feed additives. [Olson, p. 115] In the past organic mercury compounds were used as drugs, fungicides, and bactericides. Organometallic gallium and indium compounds are used in semiconductor doping. Organosilicons are used to produce ceramic fibers. Organotins are used as PVC stabilizers, biocides, and polyurethane catalysts. [Ullmann]
Comments Organometallic compounds have covalent bonds between one or more carbon atoms and one or more metallic atoms. Many organometals are pyrophoric (ignite in air) and react violently with water. Many are readily absorbed by skin contact and inhalation and are toxic to the CNS. Skin contact with liquid can also cause burns. Some cause liver injury (nickel carbonyl, iron pentacarbonyl, and triphenyltin) and toxic pneumonitis (nickel carbonyl and iron pentacarbonyl). Most are shipped in organic solvents as solutions. Fires are extinguished by carbon dioxide, sand, or graphite. In general, shorter chain alkyl compounds are more toxic, and aromatic compounds are less toxic. [Sullivan, p. 978-83]
Adverse Effects
Toxic Pneumonitis Yes
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
Neurotoxin Other CNS Neurotoxin
Hepatotoxin Hepatotoxin, Secondary
Reproductive Toxin Yes
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Last updated: January, 2009