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Undergraduate Organizations at Colleges and Universities

Many colleges and universities have organizations for women in science. Check out this listing of student resources and organizations to find out what programs and opportunities are provided by universities all around the nation. If your school does not have any programs for female scientists, then take a look at these great organizations to get ideas about programs that you can help implement at your own school!

Center for Women in Science and Engineering: University of Washington at Seattle
Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) is a university-level program designed to increase the recruitment and retention of women of all ethnic backgrounds in science and engineering.

Sistahs in Science: Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
Sistahs in Science is a Mount Holyoke student organization for minority women in the sciences.

Society of Women Engineers: Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
The Society of Women Engineers at Stanford is a non-profit organization whose mission goals include stimulating women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders.

Women in Science: Yale University, New Haven, CT
Yale’s Women in Science is an organization of undergraduate women committed to the advancement of awareness and interest in academic and professional opportunities in science.

Women in Science and Engineering Program: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
The Women in Science and Engineering Program works to increase the number of women students who choose majors, advanced degrees, and careers in science, engineering and mathematics.

Working in a Lab

Instead of working in your school's cafeteria or library, work in a professor's laboratory! At the beginning of the school year, check out the listings in your student employment office, or contact a professor directly. (Many professors have research funds to pay for an undergraduate assistant). Such an opportunity will be an invaluable resource when applying to graduate school or medical school, as well as for future connections!

Getting an Internship

Figure out whether a career in science is right for you by finding a great summer internship that allows you to explore your interests in a hands-on way. Check out the following sites, or use your college’s career center!

Biomedical Science Careers Program
This Website provides students of all races, ethnic backgrounds, gender and financial status with encouragement, support and guidance needed for the successful pursuit of careers in biomedical sciences. A fabulous directory of internships is also included.

Extramural Research Opportunities
A guide to summer research opportunities for undergraduate students in science and engineering can be found on this site.

InternJobs.com is a national database of internships for students and recent graduates.

Use InternshipPrograms.com to post your resumé to employers who are looking for interns. You can also search their extensive database of internships, read internship reviews or create your own real-intern profile, or research companies and careers.

Internships and Research Opportunities at National Facilities and Laboratories
This site, provided by the Department of Physics at the University of Pennsylvania, includes excellent links for internships and research opportunities in all areas of science.

Rising Star Internships
Post your resumé online, and search through current internship positions in fields ranging from accounting to zoology.

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