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Jonathan R. Keller, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Fan T, Schmidtmann A, Xi S, Briones V, Zhu H, Suh HC, Gooya J, Keller JR, Xu H, Roayaei J, Anver M, Ruscetti S, Muegge K.
DNA hypomethylation caused by Lsh deletion promotes erythroleukemia development.
Epigenetics : official journal of the DNA Methylation Society. 3, 2008.
2)  Suh HC, Leeanansaksiri W, Ji M, Klarmann KD, Renn K, Gooya J, Smith D, McNiece I, Lugthart S, Valk PJ, Delwel R, Keller JR.
Id1 immortalizes hematopoietic progenitors in vitro and promotes a myeloproliferative disease in vivo.
Oncogene. 27: 5612-5623, 2008.
3)  Ji M, Li H, Suh HC, Klarmann KD, Yokota Y, Keller JR.
Id2 intrinsically regulates lymphoid and erythroid development via interaction with different target proteins.
Blood. 114: 1068-1077, 2008.
4)  Cohen TV, Klarmann KD, Sakchaisri K, Cooper JP, Kuhns D, Anver M, Johnson PF, Williams SC, Keller JR, Stewart CL.
The Lamin B Receptor under transcriptional control of C/EBP{varepsilon} is required for morphological but not functional maturation of neutrophils.
Hum. Mol. Genet. 2008.
5)  Ludlow LE, Purton LE, Klarmann K, Gough DJ, Hii LL, Trapani JA, Keller JR, Clarke CJ, Johnstone RW.
The role of p202 in regulating hematopoietic cell proliferation and differentiation.
J. Interferon Cytokine Res. 28: 5-11, 2008.
6)  Gudmundsson KO, Thorsteinsson L, Sigurjonsson OE, Keller JR, Olafsson K, Egeland T, Gudmundsson S, Rafnar T.
Gene expression analysis of hematopoietic progenitor cells identifies Dlg7 as a potential stem cell gene.
Stem Cells. 25: 1498-506, 2007.
7)  Berthet C, Rodriguez-Galan MC, Hodge DL, Gooya J, Pascal V, Young HA, Keller J, Bosselut R, Kaldis P.
Hematopoiesis and thymic apoptosis are not affected by the loss of Cdk2.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 27: 5079-89, 2007.
8)  Aiello FB, Keller JR, Klarmann KD, Dranoff G, Mazzucchelli R, Durum SK.
IL-7 induces myelopoiesis and erythropoiesis.
J. Immunol. 178: 1553-63, 2007.
9)  Jiang Q, Huang J, Li WQ, Cavinato T, Keller JR, Durum SK.
Role of the intracellular domain of IL-7 receptor in T cell development.
J. Immunol. 178: 228-34, 2007.
10)  Liepinsh DJ, Grivennikov SI, Klarmann KD, Lagarkova MA, Drutskaya MS, Lockett SJ, Tessarollo L, McAuliffe M, Keller JR, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA.
Novel lymphotoxin alpha (LTalpha) knockout mice with unperturbed tumor necrosis factor expression: reassessing LTalpha biological functions.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 26: 4214-25, 2006.
11)  Berthet C, Klarmann KD, Hilton MB, Suh HC, Keller JR, Kiyokawa H, Kaldis P.
Combined loss of Cdk2 and Cdk4 results in embryonic lethality and Rb hypophosphorylation.
Dev. Cell. 10: 563-73, 2006.
12)  Suh HC, Gooya J, Renn K, Friedman AD, Johnson PF, Keller JR.
C/EBPalpha determines hematopoietic cell fate in multipotential progenitor cells by inhibiting erythroid differentiation and inducing myeloid differentiation.
Blood. 107: 4308-16, 2006.
13)  Drutskaya MS, Ortiz M, Liepinsh DJ, Kuprash DV, Nedospasov SA, Keller JR.
Inhibitory effects of tumor necrosis factor on hematopoiesis seen in vitro are translated to increased numbers of both committed and multipotent progenitors in TNF-deficient mice.
Exp. Hematol. 33: 1348-56, 2005.
14)  Jiang Q, Li WQ, Aiello FB, Klarmann KD, Keller JR, Durum SK.
Retroviral transduction of IL-7Ralpha into IL-7Ralpha-/- bone marrow progenitors: correction of lymphoid deficiency and induction of neutrophilia.
Gene Ther. 12: 1761-8, 2005.
15)  Leeanansaksiri W, Wang H, Gooya JM, Renn K, Abshari M, Tsai S, Keller JR.
IL-3 Induces Inhibitor of DNA-Binding Protein-1 in Hemopoietic Progenitor Cells and Promotes Myeloid Cell Development.
J Immunol. 174: 7014-21, 2005.
16)  Dermott JM, Gooya JM, Asefa B, Weiler SR, Smith M, Keller JR.
Inhibition of growth by p205: a nuclear protein and putative tumor suppressor expressed during myeloid cell differentiation.
Stem Cells. 22: 832-48, 2004.
17)  Jiang Q, Li WQ, Hofmeister RR, Young HA, Hodge DR, Keller JR, Khaled AR, Durum SK.
Distinct regions of the interleukin-7 receptor regulate different Bcl2 family members.
Mol Cell Biol. 24: 6501-13, 2004.
18)  Li WQ, Jiang Q, Khaled AR, Keller JR, Durum SK.
Interleukin-7 inactivates the pro-apoptotic protein bad promoting T cell survival.
J Biol Chem. 279: 29160-6, 2004.
19)  Heath V, Suh HC, Holman M, Renn K, Gooya JM, Parkin S, Klarmann KD, Ortiz M, Johnson P, Keller J.
C/EBP{alpha} Deficiency Results in Hyperproliferation of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells and Disrupts Macrophage Development In Vitro and In Vivo.
Blood. 104: 1639-1647, 2004.
20)  Radosevic N, Winterstein D, Keller JR, Neubauer H, Pfeffer K, Linnekin D.
JAK2 contributes to the intrinsic capacity of primary hematopoietic cells to respond to SCF.
Exp. Hema. 32: 149-156, 2004.
21)  Sharov AA, Piao Y, Matoba R, Dudekula DB, Qian Y, VanBuren V, Falco G, Martin PR, Stagg CA, Bassey UC, Wang Y, Carter MG, Hamatani T, Aiba K, Akutsu H, Sharova L, Tanaka TS, Kimber WL, Yoshikawa T, Jaradat SA, Pantano S, Nagaraja R, Boheler KR, Taub D, Hodes RJ, Longo DL, Schlessinger D, Keller J, Klotz E, Kelsoe G, Umezawa A, Vescovi AL, Rossant J, Kunath T, Hogan BL, Curci A, D'Urso M, Kelso J, Hide W, Ko MS.
Transcriptome analysis of mouse stem cells and early embryos.
PLoS Biology. 3: 410-419, 2003.
22)  Liu P, Keller JR, Ortiz M, Tessarollo L, Rachel RA, Nakamura T, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG.
Bcl11a is essential for normal lymphoid development.
Nat Immunol. 4: 525-532, 2003.
23)  Klarmann K, Ortiz M, Davies M, Keller JR.
Identification of in vitro growth conditions for c-Kit-negative hematopoietic stem cells.
Blood. 102: 3120-3128, 2003.
24)  McCauslin CS, Wine J, Cheng L, Klarmann KD, Candotti F, Clausen PA, Spence SE, Keller JR.
In vivo retroviral gene transfer by direct intrafemoral injection results in correction of the SCID phenotype in Jak3 knock-out animals.
Blood. 102: 843-848, 2003.
25)  Du Y, Campbell JL, Nalbant D, Youn H, Bass AC, Cobos E, Tsai S, Keller JR, Williams SC.
Mapping gene expression patterns during myeloid differentiation using the EML hematopoietic progenitor cell line.
Exp Hematol. 30: 649-658, 2002.
26)  Keller JR.
Stem cell quiescence and activation.
Modern Aspects of Immunobio. 1: 217-220, 2001.
27)  Spence SE, Lohrey NC, Ortiz M, Gooya J, Keller JR.
Detection of growth factor receptor RNA in individual hematopoietic cells by in situ RT-PCR; comparison with RT-PCR.
J. Immunol. Meth. 257: 123-136, 2001.
28)  Du Y, Tsai S, Keller JR, Williams SC.
Identification of an interleukin-3-regulated aldo-keto reductase gene in myeloid cells that may function in autocrine regulation of meylopoiesis.
J. Biol. Chem. 275: 6724-6732, 2000.
29)  Welniak LA, Tian ZG, Sun R, Keller JR, Richards S, Ruscetti FW, Murphy WJ.
Effects of growth hormone and prolactin on hematopoiesis.
Leuk. Lympho. 38: 435-445, 2000.
30)  Linnekin DM, Keller JR.
The stem cell factor receptor.
The Cytokine Reference: A Compendium of Cytokines and Other Mediators of Host Defense. 1913-1934, 2000.
31)  Keller JR, Linnekin DM.
Stem cell factor.
The Cytokine Reference: A Compendium of Cytokines and Other Mediators of Host Defense. 877-897, 2000.
32)  Smith JS, Keller JR, Lohrey NC, McCauslin CS, Ortiz M, Cowan K, Spence SE.
Redirected infection of directly biotinylated recombinant adenovirus vectors through cell surface receptors and antigens.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96: 8855-60, 1999.
33)  Ortiz M, Wine JW, Lohrey N, Ruscetti FW, Spence SE, Keller JR.
Functional characterization of a novel hematopoietic stem cell and its place in the c-Kit maturation pathway in bone marrow cell development.
Immunity. 10: 173-82, 1999.
34)  Weiler SR, Gooya JM, Ortiz M, Tsai S, Collins SJ, Keller JR.
D3: a gene induced during myeloid cell differentiation of Linlo c-Kit+ Sca-1(+) progenitor cells.
Blood. 93: 527-36, 1999.
35)  Resnick JL, Ortiz M, Keller JR, Donovan PJ.
Role of fibroblast growth factors and their receptors in mouse primordial germ cell growth.
Biol. Reprod. 59: 1224-9, 1998.
36)  Spence SE, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, McCauslin CS, Gooya JM, Funakoshi S, Longo DL, Murphy WJ.
Engraftment of ex vivo expanded and cycling human cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells in SCID mice.
Exp. Hematol. 26: 507-14, 1998.
37)  Williams SC, Du Y, Schwartz RC, Weiler SR, Ortiz M, Keller JR, Johnson PF.
C/EBPepsilon is a myeloid-specific activator of cytokine, chemokine, and macrophage-colony-stimulating factor receptor genes.
J. Biol. Chem. 273: 13493-501, 1998.
38)  Linnekin D, Mou S, Deberry CS, Weiler SR, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Longo DL.
Stem cell factor, the JAK-STAT pathway and signal transduction.
Leuk. Lymphoma. 27: 439-44, 1997.
39)  Muszynski KW, Ruscetti FW, Gooya JM, Linnekin DM, Keller JR.
Raf-1 protein is required for growth factor-induced proliferation of primitive hematopoietic progenitors stimulated with synergistic combinations of cytokines.
Stem Cells. 15: 63-72, 1997.
40)  Grzegorzewski KJ, Komschlies KL, Franco JL, Ruscetti FW, Keller JR, Wiltrout RH.
Quantitative and cell-cycle differences in progenitor cells mobilized by recombinant human interleukin-7 and recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor.
Blood. 88: 4139-48, 1996.
41)  Drize NJ, Keller JR, Chertkov JL.
Local clonal analysis of the hematopoietic system shows that multiple small short-living clones maintain life-long hematopoiesis in reconstituted mice.
Blood. 88: 2927-38, 1996.
42)  Keller JR, Gooya JM, Ruscetti FW.
Direct synergistic effects of leukemia inhibitory factor on hematopoietic progenitor cell growth: comparison with other hematopoietins that use the gp130 receptor subunit.
Blood. 88: 863-9, 1996.
43)  Neta R, Keller JR, Ali N, Blanchette F, Dubois CM.
Contrasting mechanisms of the myeloprotective effects of interleukin-1 against ionizing radiation and cytotoxic 5-fluorouracil.
Radiat. Res. 145: 624-31, 1996.
44)  Weiler SR, Mou S, DeBerry CS, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Ferris DK, Longo DL, Linnekin D.
JAK2 is associated with the c-kit proto-oncogene product and is phosphorylated in response to stem cell factor.
Blood. 87: 3688-93, 1996.
45)  Schwarzenberger P, Spence S, Lohrey N, Kmiecik T, Longo DL, Murphy WJ, Ruscetti FW, Keller JR.
Gene transfer of multidrug resistance into a factor-dependent human hematopoietic progenitor cell line: in vivo model for genetically transferred chemoprotection.
Blood. 87: 2723-31, 1996.
46)  Schwarzenberger P, Spence SE, Gooya JM, Michiel D, Curiel DT, Ruscetti FW, Keller JR.
Targeted gene transfer to human hematopoietic progenitor cell lines through the c-kit receptor.
Blood. 87: 472-8, 1996.
47)  Linnekin D, Weiler SR, Mou S, DeBerry CS, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Ferris DK, Longo DL.
JAK2 is constitutively associated with c-Kit and is phosphorylated in response to stem cell factor.
Acta Haematol. 95: 224-8, 1996.
48)  Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Heidecker G, Linnekin DM, Rapp U, Troppmair J, Gooya J, Muszynski KW.
The effect of c-raf antisense oligonucleotides on growth factor-induced proliferation of hematopoietic cells.
Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 211: 43-53, 1996.
49)  Spence SE, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Czarra KT, Gooya JM, Funakoshi S, Longo DL, Murphy WJ.
Engraftment of SCID mice by human bone marrow hematopoietic cells cultured in vitro: an in vivo model for human gene transfer.
Leukemia. 9 Suppl 1: S43-7, 1995.
50)  Keller JR, Ortiz M, Ruscetti FW.
Steel factor (c-kit ligand) promotes the survival of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in the absence of cell division.
Blood. 86: 1757-64, 1995.
51)  Jacobsen FW, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Veiby OP, Jacobsen SE.
Direct synergistic effects of IL-4 and IL-11 on proliferation of primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Exp. Hematol. 23: 990-5, 1995.
52)  Muszynski KW, Ruscetti FW, Heidecker G, Rapp U, Troppmair J, Gooya JM, Keller JR.
Raf-1 protein is required for growth factor-induced proliferation of hematopoietic cells.
J. Exp. Med. 181: 2189-99, 1995.
53)  Grzegorzewski KJ, Komschlies KL, Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Keller JR, Wiltrout RH.
Mobilization of long-term reconstituting hematopoietic stem cells in mice by recombinant human interleukin 7.
J. Exp. Med. 181: 369-74, 1995.
54)  Linnekin D, Keller JR, Ferris DK, Mou SM, Broudy V, Longo DL.
Stem cell factor induces phosphorylation of a 200 kDa protein which associates with c-kit.
Growth Factors. 12: 57-67, 1995.
55)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Okkenhaug C, Lien E, Ortiz M, Veiby OP, Keller JR.
Distinct and direct synergistic effects of IL-1 and IL-6 on proliferation and differentiation of primitive murine hematopoietic progenitor cells in vitro.
Exp. Hematol. 22: 1064-9, 1994.
56)  Keller JR, Bartelmez SH, Sitnicka E, Ruscetti FW, Ortiz M, Gooya JM, Jacobsen SE.
Distinct and overlapping direct effects of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha and transforming growth factor beta on hematopoietic progenitor/stem cell growth.
Blood. 84: 2175-81, 1994.
57)  Grzegorzewski K, Ruscetti FW, Usui N, Damia G, Longo DL, Carlino JA, Keller JR, Wiltrout RH.
Recombinant transforming growth factor beta 1 and beta 2 protect mice from acutely lethal doses of 5-fluorouracil and doxorubicin.
J. Exp. Med. 180: 1047-57, 1994.
58)  Kmiecik TE, Keller JR, Rosen E, Vande Woude GF.
Hepatocyte growth factor is a synergistic factor for the growth of hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Blood. 80: 2454-7, 1992.
59)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Ortiz M, Gooya JM, Keller JR.
The growth response of Lin-Thy-1+ hematopoietic progenitors to cytokines is determined by the balance between synergy of multiple stimulators and negative cooperation of multiple inhibitors.
Exp. Hematol. 22: 985-9, 1994.
60)  Hestdal K, Ruscetti FW, Chizzonite R, Ortiz M, Gooya JM, Longo DL, Keller JR.
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) directly and indirectly promotes hematopoietic cell growth through type I IL-1 receptor.
Blood. 84: 125-32, 1994.
61)  Dubois CM, Ruscetti FW, Stankova J, Keller JR.
Transforming growth factor-beta regulates c-kit message stability and cell-surface protein expression in hematopoietic progenitors.
Blood. 83: 3138-45, 1994.
62)  Grzegorzewski K, Komschlies KL, Mori M, Kaneda K, Usui N, Faltynek CR, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Wiltrout RH.
Administration of recombinant human interleukin-7 to mice induces the exportation of myeloid progenitor cells from the bone marrow to peripheral sites.
Blood. 83: 377-85, 1994.
63)  Hestdal K, Welte K, Lie SO, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Abrahamsen TG.
Severe congenital neutropenia: abnormal growth and differentiation of myeloid progenitors to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) but normal response to G-CSF plus stem cell factor.
Blood. 82: 2991-7, 1993.
64)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Roberts AB, Keller JR.
TGF-beta is a bidirectional modulator of cytokine receptor expression on murine bone marrow cells. Differential effects of TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 3.
J. Immunol. 151: 4534-44, 1993.
65)  Hestdal K, Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Longo DL, Boone TC, Keller JR.
Increased granulopoiesis after sequential administration of transforming growth factor-beta 1 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor.
Exp. Hematol. 21: 799-805, 1993.
66)  Dubois CM, Neta R, Keller JR, Jacobsen SE, Oppenheim JJ, Ruscetti F.
Hematopoietic growth factors and glucocorticoids synergize to mimic the effects of IL-1 on granulocyte differentiation and IL-1 receptor induction on bone marrow cells in vivo.
Exp. Hematol. 21: 303-10, 1993.
67)  Hestdal K, Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Dubois CM, Longo DL, Chizzonite R, Oppenheim JJ, Keller JR.
In vivo effect of interleukin-1 alpha on hematopoiesis: role of colony-stimulating factor receptor modulation.
Blood. 80: 2486-94, 1992.
68)  Damia G, Komschlies KL, Futami H, Back T, Gruys ME, Longo DL, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Wiltrout RH.
Prevention of acute chemotherapy-induced death in mice by recombinant human interleukin 1: protection from hematological and nonhematological toxicities.
Cancer Res. 52: 4082-9, 1992.
69)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Dubois CM, Wine J, Keller JR.
Induction of colony-stimulating factor receptor expression on hematopoietic progenitor cells: proposed mechanism for growth factor synergism.
Blood. 80: 678-87, 1992.
70)  Murphy WJ, Keller JR, Harrison CL, Young HA, Longo DL.
Interleukin-2-activated natural killer cells can support hematopoiesis in vitro and promote marrow engraftment in vivo.
Blood. 80: 670-7, 1992.
71)  Dubois CM, Ruscetti FW, Jacobsen SE, Oppenheim JJ, Keller JR.
Hematopoietic growth factors upregulate the p65 type II interleukin-1 receptor on bone marrow progenitor cells in vitro.
Blood. 80: 600-8, 1992.
72)  Ruscetti FW, Dubois CM, Jacobsen SE, Keller JR.
Transforming growth factor beta and interleukin-1: a paradigm for opposing regulation of haemopoiesis.
Baillieres Clin. Haematol. 5: 703-21, 1992.
73)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Dubois CM, Keller JR.
Tumor necrosis factor alpha directly and indirectly regulates hematopoietic progenitor cell proliferation: role of colony-stimulating factor receptor modulation.
J. Exp. Med. 175: 1759-72, 1992.
74)  McNiece IK, Bertoncello I, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Hartley CA, Zsebo KM.
Transforming growth factor beta inhibits the action of stem cell factor on mouse and human hematopoietic progenitors.
Int. J. Cell Cloning. 10: 80-6, 1992.
75)  Keller JR, Jacobsen SE, Dubois CM, Hestdal K, Ruscetti FW.
Transforming growth factor-beta: a bidirectional regulator of hematopoietic cell growth.
Int. J. Cell Cloning. 10: 2-11, 1992.
76)  Dubois CM, Ruscetti FW, Keller JR, Oppenheim JJ, Hestdal K, Chizzonite R, Neta R.
In vivo interleukin-1 (IL-1) administration indirectly promotes type II IL-1 receptor expression on hematopoietic bone marrow cells: novel mechanism for the hematopoietic effects of IL-1.
Blood. 78: 2841-7, 1991.
77)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Longo DL, Keller JR.
Antineoplastic dolastatins: potent inhibitors of hematopoietic progenitor cells.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 83: 1672-7, 1991.
78)  Jacobsen SE, Keller JR, Ruscetti FW, Kondaiah P, Roberts AB, Falk LA.
Bidirectional effects of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) on colony-stimulating factor-induced human myelopoiesis in vitro: differential effects of distinct TGF-beta isoforms.
Blood. 78: 2239-47, 1991.
79)  Keller JR, Jacobsen SE, Sill KT, Ellingsworth LR, Ruscetti FW.
Stimulation of granulopoiesis by transforming growth factor beta: synergy with granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88: 7190-4, 1991.
80)  Hestdal K, Ruscetti FW, Ihle JN, Jacobsen SE, Dubois CM, Kopp WC, Longo DL, Keller JR.
Characterization and regulation of RB6-8C5 antigen expression on murine bone marrow cells.
J. Immunol. 147: 22-8, 1991.
81)  Jacobsen SE, Ruscetti FW, Dubois CM, Lee J, Boone TC, Keller JR.
Transforming growth factor-beta trans-modulates the expression of colony stimulating factor receptors on murine hematopoietic progenitor cell lines.
Blood. 77: 1706-16, 1991.
82)  Ruscetti FW, Jacobsen SE, Birchenall-Roberts M, Broxmeyer HE, Engelmann GL, Dubois C, Keller JR.
Role of transforming growth factor-beta 1 in regulation of hematopoiesis.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 628: 31-43, 1991.
83)  Ruscetti FW, Dubois C, Falk LA, Jacobsen SE, Sing G, Longo DL, Wiltrout RH, Keller JR.
In vivo and in vitro effects of TGF-beta 1 on normal and neoplastic haemopoiesis.
Ciba Found. Symp. 157: 212-27; discussion 227-31, 1991.
84)  Sing GK, Ruscetti FW, Beckwith M, Keller JR, Ellingsworth L, Urba WJ, Longo DL.
Growth inhibition of a human lymphoma cell line: induction of a transforming growth factor-beta-mediated autocrine negative loop by phorbol myristate acetate.
Cell Growth Differ. 1: 549-57, 1990.

This page was last updated on 10/7/2008.