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Research Grants
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Writing Grant Proposals | NIH Grant and Funding Opportunities | Organizations Offering Grants | Collected Lists of Grant Opportunities | Search for Other Funding Sources

There is some overlap with our page for Fellowships so please review that page along with this one.

International! This icon indicates a program that is open to candidates who are not US Citizens nor permanent residents. This includes programs that may be specific to citizens of other countries.

No Info This icon indicates a program for which we could not locate specific citizenship / residency information. You will need to contact the program directors for information.

Writing Grant Proposals
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NIH Grant and Funding Opportunities
In general, "any qualified scientist working in a research institution that can furnish the needed support can receive an NIH grant." However, most NIH grants are awarded to domestic institutions, and some have specific citizenship requirements above and beyond other selection criteria required by U.S. law. NIAID has a good general document titled Who Can Qualify for an NIH Grant? which you may want to review. Top of Page
Organizations Offering Grants
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This list is organized by the first letter of the name of the organization offering the research funding. It is limited to organizations that offer research funding, not just travel grants. Since many of these organizations also offer Fellowships, they may also be listed on that page. Each listing indicates the level of funding available (ug / grad / postdoc) as well as any eligibility requirements, if specified.

This list is not exhaustive. Please review the Collected Lists of Grant Opportunities along with the list of additional resources you can use to Search for Other Funding Sources.

Organizations starting with A - B || C - G || H - L || M - P || Q - Z

A - B

Continue with C - G || A - B || C - G || H - L || M - P || Q - Z || Top of Page

C - G

  • No Info California HealthCare Foundation (no eligibility information given, but all prior grants have been awarded to projects relevant to healthcare in the state of California. "The California HealthCare Foundation is an independent philanthropy committed to improving the way health care is delivered and financed in California, and helping consumers make informed health care and coverage decisions.")
  • California Institute for Regenerative Medicine ("Any California-based academic or non-profit research institution may apply for funding.") APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAMS.
  • International! Canadian Celiac Association J.A. Campbell Awards (postdoc. One award has no specific eligibility requirements, the other is for individuals under the age of 35 or former students who have successfully completed no more than five (5) years after graduation from a recognized medical school, university undergraduate or graduate training program. This award is for work done in Canada or by an investigator from Canada, temporarily working elsewhere and committed to return to Canada relevant to celiac disease [gluten-induced enteropathy] or dermatitis herpetiformis.)
  • International! Canadian Institutes for Health Research (postdoc. Principal Applicant must be a Canadian citizen / permanent resident. An exception may be made for principal applicants with the necessary educational qualifications who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents but are employed by an eligible institution in a position that permits them to engage in independent research activities for the entire duration of the grant.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! Cancer Research Institute Investigator Award Program (postdoc. Candidates must hold a doctoral degree and be a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the time of award activation. No citizenship restrictions. Research may be conducted at medical schools and research centers in the US or abroad. CRI does not support research at for-profit institutions.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE MARCH 1.
  • International! Cancer Research UK (grad / postdoc. Applications accepted from scientists, clinicians, and health care worked in UK universities, medical schools, hospitals, and some research institutions.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! CEFIC Long-range Research Initiative, the European Chemical Industry Council (no explicit eligibility information provided.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info Celiac Sprue Association (no eligibility restrictions) APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED YEAR ROUND.
  • International! CHEST Foundation Clinical Research Awards (postdoc, members of the American College of Chest Physicians. Citizenship / visa eligibility varies by program.)
  • International! Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation Grants (postdoc. Principal investigators must hold a MD, PhD or equivalent degree and reside in the United States or Canada. The investigator must have a faculty appointment at an accredited U.S. or Canadian institution and have the proven ability to pursue independent research as evidenced by original research in peer-reviewed journals.)
  • International! Children's Digestive Health and Nutrition Foundation [Review each topical area for grant information]. (postdoc. Must be a member of NASPGHAN and hold a faculty position in a North American university or research institute or have the potential of such appointment.)
  • No Info The Children's Hearing Institute (no information given.) CONTACT THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION ON GRANT APPLICATIONS AND DEADLINES.
  • No Info Children's Heart Foundation (no information given, but previous awards were made to established researchers in US institutions.)
  • No Info Children's Tumor Foundation Young Investigator Award (grad / postdoc. Candidates may be no more than seven years past the completion of their training.)
  • No Info Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation (postdoc. Applications are accepted from MD/PhD/other equivalent degree holders employed at a qualifying research institution.) GRANTS AWARDED TWICE YEARLY WITH APPLICATION DEADLINES IN JUNE AND DECEMBER.
  • International! Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) Association of America (postdoc. "Grants are awarded to non-profit research institutions located primarily within the United States and its territories. [...] Grants may be awarded in other geographic areas when the investigator is uniquely qualified, the institution is uniquely capable of providing the facilities and resources necessary for the execution of a particular research project, and it is apparent that local resources are not available to support the proposed project.")
  • International! The Commonwealth Fund (no eligibility information given. Supports research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy. Grants are only awarded to tax-exempt organizations and public agencies.) LETTERS OF INQUIRY ARE ACCEPTED ON A ROLLING BASIS; THERE ARE NO DEADLINES.
  • International! Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Flagship Collaborative Research Program Guidelines (Australian universities only. Can be solicited or unsolicited.)
  • Compton Foundation (primarily funds U.S.-based charitable organizations. No grants to individuals.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINES MARCH 7 AND SEPTEMBER 7.
  • International! Concern Foundation (postdoc. US and International applications welcome. Funds for cancer research are awarded to independent investigators at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent. Priority will be given to proposals from investigators who have yet to obtain significant funding for their work.)
  • No Info CONRAD (Contraceptive Research and Development) Program (No eligibility information given, but in another area of site there is a note that funding is limited to countries "eligible for U.S. population assistance". "Funding is geared toward moving highly promising leads through clinical trials for safety and effectiveness. This may include preclinical studies that contribute directly to the development of specific products. Basic research is not generally supported unless it is an integral part of a product development process. Limited short-term funding is often available, however, for pilot studies to determine the feasibility of novel and promising research approaches.") CONTACT THE ORGANIZATION FOR INFORMATION AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS.
  • International! Consortium for Industrial Collaboration in Contraceptive Research (CICCR) ("CICCR welcomes proposals from interested parties anywhere in the world. Funding is available for not-for-profit institutions in the form of feasibility and matching awards. Feasibility grants support innovative, higher-risk research, allowing a researcher to obtain preliminary results on research that would make a project more attractive to an industrial partner. Matching funds are awarded to not-for-profit research institutions working in collaboration with for-profit industrial partners.") APPLICATIONS WELCOME AT ANY TIME.
  • International! Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America Research Grant Opportunities (postgrad. Eligibility varies by specific program, but applications are accepted from public nonprofit institutions or government institutions engaged in health-related research. Applicant must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree and must be employed by an institution [public non-profit, private non-profit or government] engaged in health care and/or health related research. Eligibility is not restricted by citizenship or geography.) ANNUAL DEADLINES FOR LETTERS OF INTENT: MAY 1 AND OCTOBER 1. ANNUAL DEADLINES FOR FULL APPLICATIONS: JANUARY 14 AND JULY 1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE
  • International! CURE (Citizens United for Research in) Epilepsy (postdoc. International applicants welcome.)
  • No Info Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Clinical Research Awards (postdoc. Applicants must demonstrate access to a sufficient number of CF patients from CF Foundation-accredited care centers and appropriate controls.) ANNUAL DEADLINES FOR LOIs: JUNE 1 / DECEMBER 1.
  • Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Clinical Investigator Award (postdoc. US citizen / permanent resident. The applicant must have received an MD or MD/PhD degree(s) from an accredited institution and be board-eligible.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 3.
  • Deafness Research Foundation (postdoc. Applicants should hold an MD or PhD or equivalent degree and a faculty or post-doc appointment. Grants are limited to institutions within the US.)
  • International! Deafness Research UK [was Defeating] (postdoc. All work to be done in the UK) APPLICATIONS MAY BE SUBMITTED AT ANY TIME.
  • International! Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (postdoc. Many programs limited to German citizens / established residents, but others welcome international applicants.) NO DEADLINE FOR FIRST PROPOSALS.
  • International! Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service) Scholarships, Fellowships, and Other Funding Opportunities (ug / grad / postdoc. "DAAD offers a wide range of opportunities to students, scholars, and universities of the United States and Canada, from undergraduate students to post-doctoral scholars, for study and research in Germany." Eligibility varies by specific program. Select your education level from the menu to view programs available to you.) APPLICATION DEADLINE VARY BY PROGRAM; REVIEW ALL DEADLINES NOW.
  • No Info Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation (postdoc. All prior grants were awarded to researchers in the US.)
  • International! Diabetes UK (postgrad / postdoc. Only funds research in the UK.)
  • International! Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism (Grant applications must be made through IRS approved 501 c3 organizations within our specified geographic focus of New England, New York, New Jersey, Southern California, and select parts of Canada. Research grants include applied research, environmental research, prevalence studies and other research dedicated to finding a cure for autism.) GRANT GUIDELINES ARE POSTED IN EARLY JULY EACH YEAR.
  • International! Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (postdoc. Applicant funding must be employed at a for-profit or non-profit organization or institution within the US, Canada, or those foreign countries where supervision of grant administration is possible.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE JANUARY 10.
  • International! Elizabeth Glazer Pediatric AIDS Foundation (postdoc. Some programs targeted to researchers from developing countries.) CONTACT THE FOUNDATION FOR INFORMATION AND DEADLINES.
  • No Info Ellison Medical Foundation (postdoc)
  • Emergency Medicine Foundation Research Grants (Eligibility varies by program, but most are reserved for MDs/PhDs/equivalents who hold faculty appointments in US medical schools.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! The Endocrine Society Research (Bridge) Grants (postdoc. Provides an opportunity for interim grant funding for members engaged in basic, clinical, and translational science whose research funding has been interrupted. Investigators who have been members of The Endocrine Society for 3 years and who have encountered denial of a previously funded renewal proposal in a promising program of endocrine research are eligible. Applications from members living anywhere in the world will be considered. Eligible members may apply for up to $50K in interim funding to allow them to keep key personnel and continue laboratory research operations while other outside funding is being sought.)
  • No Info Endometriosis Association Open Research Fund (no eligibility information.) CONTACT THE ASSOCIATION TO BE PLACED ON THE MAILING LIST FOR THE NEXT PROPOSAL DEADLINE.
  • International! Epilepsy Foundation (ug / grad / postdoc. Eligibility varies by program. US citizenship is not required, but research must be conducted in the US.)
  • No Info Epilepsy Research Coalition Resources in Epilepsy Research (eligibility varies by program). A list of available funding from the participating organizations. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM. Those with upcoming deadlines are shown under the Funding tab, but you should List All to view some programs without specific deadlines.
  • International! Epilepsy Research UK (postgrad / postdoc. "Applicants for all projects should be graduates in medicine or one of the sciences allied to medicine [and] resident in the United Kingdom and affiliated to an academic institution in the United Kingdom.")
  • International! Epilepsy Therapy Project New Therapy Grants Program (postdoc. The New Therapy Grants Program seeks to advance the development of specific new therapies including new medicines and therapeutic devices. Consistent with the theme of translational research, all grant proposals must demonstrate a clear path from the lab to the patient. Preference will be given to proposals that already have a commercial partner engaged to assist with development and to proposals that have committed or matched funding from the sponsoring institution, commercial partner or other third party source. Proposals for research originating from outside the United States are welcome.)
  • International! Epilepsy Therapy Project Milken Family Foundation Translational Research Award (postdoc. "Any individual holding an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree is eligible to submit a proposal. Proposals for research originating from outside the United States are welcome." The purpose is to advance the development of novel therapies for the treatment of epilepsy. In addition, the Foundation will favor proposals focused on women with epilepsy and their unique issues during child-bearing years.)
  • International! European Society for Medical Oncology Foundation Research Grants Program (postdoc / resident of a developing country as defined by ESMO. Applicant must be 40 years of age or younger and is or will become an ESMO member. The candidate's supervisor in both the host institute and the candidate's home institute must be an ESMO member.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info Eye Bank Association of America Research Grants (grad / postdoc. Qualified applicants include Physicians, including corneal surgeons, and other eye care specialists; Basic scientists, including biomedical and social scientists; Eye-bank technicians, nurses, postgraduate fellows, ophthalmology residents; and medical students who are supervised by a physician or basic scientist associated with an eye bank or academic institution. Applicants who are not a Society member or who are not affiliated with an EBAA eye bank must submit a letter of support from a Society member or the medical director of an EBAA eye bank.)
  • International! The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (MD / PhD or equivalent. Program is open to investigators worldwide. "Competitive applicants have a proven track record of research experience.")
  • International! Food Allergy Initiative (no eligibility info given. Past award recipients were postdocs from around the world.)
  • International! The Foundation Fighting Blindness (postdoc. Clinical scientists possessing an M.D., D.O., or equivalent foreign degree. No citizenship / residency info given but current list of awardees includes international researchers and institutes.)
  • International! Foundation for Air-medical Research and Education ("FARE welcomes proposals from professionals qualified to conduct air medical and critical care transport research.") ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF RFPS IS SEPTEMBER 1; ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE MARCH 1.
  • International! Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (principal investigator must have a primary faculty appointment at the level of Instructor or above. No citizenship / residency requirements noted, but current awardees include international researchers.)
  • International! Fulbright Program (ug / grad / postdoc) Information on this program which provides grants for Graduate Students, Scholars and Professionals, and Teachers and Administrators from the U.S. and other countries. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM. MANY ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS.
  • No Info Gateway for Cancer Research Foundation (postdoc. New and established investigators are encouraged to apply. Gateway is particularly interested in identifying and funding these groups of researchers: [1] Young investigators working in established research programs relevant to clinical research that are without support from the NIH or other cancer research agencies; [2] Established clinical researchers who wish to embark on innovative studies directly relevant to the mission of Gateway with novel, new, or pilot projects distinctly removed from their currently funded research projects.)
  • International! Geological Society of America (ug / grad / postdoc. Some programs limited to studies and research in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. Applicant must be a GSA member.)
  • International! Glaucoma Research Foundation (grad / postdoc. No citizenship information given, but current grants include non-US researchers. Funding supports new, novel and high impact clinical, epidemiological and laboratory research.)
  • International! The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (No individual grants. Eligibility is mainly based on the country's income level and the level of presence of these diseases.)
  • International! Global Microbicide Project ("GMP accepts proposals from interested parties anywhere in the world. Inquiries or applications from developed or developing countries, or countries in transition, are especially welcomed. Grants are awarded to either for-profit or not-for-profit institutions worldwide.") APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME.
  • Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (postdoc. Priority given to young investigators. Most programs require principal investigator to be a member of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists.) FUNDING CYCLE BEGINS IN JULY OF EACH YEAR, WITH SUBMISSION DEADLINES IN EARLY OCTOBER.

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H - L

Continue with M - P || A - B || C - G || H - L || M - P || Q - Z || Top of Page

M - P

  • No Info March of Dimes (postdoc. "Grants are awarded to qualified institutions to support research on birth defects.")
  • No Info Maryland Stem Cell Commission Research Grants (no degree requirements. "Any individual who meets such in-state eligibility requirement, and who has the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research is invited to work with his/her eligible organization to develop, or participate in, one or more Applications for an Investigator-Initiated Research Grant." Organizations based outside the State of Maryland are not eligible to apply. Federal laboratories are not eligible to apply for Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund grants. However, a federal laboratory in Maryland may be a collaborator in a Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund project if the laboratory is in Maryland. The work funded under these RFAs must be conducted in Maryland. The scientists and clinicians conducting the work must be employed or retained by an eligible Maryland-based organization while doing so.)
  • No Info Massage Therapy Foundation (no citizenship / residency information provided, but past recipients include licensed therapists and Ph.Ds. in the US and abroad.)
  • McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience (postdoc. US citizens / permanent residents. Eligibility varies by specific program. Applicants must be affiliated with a U.S.-based sponsoring institution. Applicants for the Scholar and Brain Disorders Awards may NOT be employees of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute or scientists within the intramural program of the NIH.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! Michael J. Fox Foundation ("MJFF is interested in funding high-quality Parkinson's science wherever it can be done best, regardless of the type of lab. As such, we fund researchers working in labs at universities, companies, and nonprofit research institutions. [...] The Foundation funds grants in labs around the world, and does not place limitations on the percentage of total grants that can be awarded internationally.") RAPID RESPONSE INNOVATION AWARDS HAVE NO DEADLINES. OTHER DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info Migraine Research Foundation ("The Migraine Research Foundation is actively seeking to provide seed money grants for projects that are important, relevant, and achievable that will ultimately lead to better treatment and quality of life for Migraine sufferers. The basic science research should eventually be translatable into clinical advances. Truly important and fundamental clinical research will also be considered for funding.")
  • International! Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Funding Opportunities (postdoc. The MMRF accepts applications from U.S.-based and international non-profit institutions and universities.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Research (postdoc. Applications from non-US researchers will be considered in certain cases.) APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED JANUARY 15 AND JULY 15 EACH YEAR.
  • No Info Multiple Sclerosis Foundation (no information) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 1.
  • No Info The Myositis Association (postdoc. Seed monies available as well as funds for established research.)
  • NASA Research Opportunities (eligibility varies by specific program, but the participation of non-US institutions or individuals in any proposal is severely limited.) This is a single gateway into the many proposals offered by the various offices. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROJECT.
  • International! NARSAD: The Mental Health Research Institute (postdoc. Both U.S. and international applicants are eligible to apply.)
  • International! National Alopecia Areata Foundation (postdoc)
  • International! National Down Syndrome Society Charles J. Epstein Research Award (Research Awards are open to investigators from the US and abroad. The research study must be approved by the department chair or administrator.)
  • International! National Brain Tumor Foundation (postdoc. Awards are open to any US or Canadian researcher. "Quality of Life" researcher need not be Ph.D., but must hold at least a masters' degree.)
  • No Info National Eczema Association (postdoc)
  • International! National Fragile X Foundation (postdoc. Open to all qualified researchers.)
  • International! National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) Research Funding (Eligibility varies by program.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • National Kidney Foundation (postdoc. Grant recipients must be NKF members and US citizens / permanent residents holding a full-time faculty appointment or equivalent position in a research institution in the US. Award candidates must be dues-paying members of the NKF.)
  • National Kidney Foundation Professional Councils Research Grant Program (degree level not specified. Council grants are for nurses, social workers, and dieticians working in this field. Eligibility varies by specific program, but all require the applicant to be a member of the relevant council, a resident of the US or its territories, and have a minimum of 2 years experience in this specific field.)
  • No Info National Kidney Foundation of the National Capital Area Grants-in-Aid (postdoc. Senior and young investigators must have a M.D. or Ph.D. degree and hold a faculty appointment in a non-profit institution in the Washington, DC, area. Trainees may apply for a grant-in-aid; however, by the time the person begins the grant, he/she must send a letter stating that he/she is holding a faculty appointment at the institution where the award is made. Allied health professionals not in trainee status may apply and need not have a terminal degree or a faculty appointment at the institution to which the grant is made.)
  • International! NMDP Marrow Transplant Research Program Amy Strelzer Manasevit Research Program For The Study of Post-Transplant Complications (postdoc. Applicants must have received a doctoral degree (M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent) within the past twelve years (after February 1, 1995). Applicants must hold a position in an approved U.S. facility. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens, permanent residents or foreign citizens holding a valid U.S. visa.)
  • International! National Multiple Sclerosis Society (postdoc. "The Society supports MS research in the U.S. and abroad.") APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM. A COMPLETE LIST IS AVAILABLE.
  • International! National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) (postdoc. Seed grants. No citizenship / residency requirements noted but appears to accept applications from international researchers.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE APRIL/MAY.
  • National Osteoporosis Foundation (postdoc. Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent degree, must have U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status, and must be affiliated with not-for-profit institutions within the U.S., its territories or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Federal agencies and their employees are not eligible.)
  • International! National Parkinson Foundation Individual Research Grants (pre / postdoc. International applications welcome. Both basic-research and clinical-research proposals are eligible for support. Candidates must be postdoctoral fellows or residents in recognized training programs, or tenure-track and research-track faculty at colleges and universities or research institutes. Preference will be given to scientists who are at an early stage of their professional careers.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: MARCH 15 OF EACH YEAR.
  • International! National Science Foundation (postdoc. Eligibility varies by program, but many are open to international researchers.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info National Strength and Conditioning Foundation (ug / grad. Must be an NCSA member for at least 1 year and pursuing a career in strength and conditioning.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE MARCH 15.
  • No Info National Stuttering Association (No eligibility information specified. Current award recipients includes Canadian researchers.) NO DEADLINES NOTED.
  • No Info National Vulvodynia Association Medical Research Fund (postdoc. established to provide researchers with the opportunity to gather pilot data on vulvodynia in order to obtain larger-scale funding from institutions such as the National Institutes of Health. No eligibility information provided, but past grant recipients does include some Canadian researchers.) NO APPLICATION DEADLINE NOTED; CONTACT THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION.
  • No Info National Vulvodynia Association Dr. Stanley C. Marinoff Vulvodynia Career Development Award (postdoc. Encourage interested faculty to pursue their clinical and/or academic interest in vulvodynia. Provides seed money for either medical research, writing of a publication on vulvodynia or the organization or enhancement of a vulvar pain clinic. The NVA’s intent is to enrich the professional growth of faculty members in this field and enable them to pursue further funding opportunities. Applicants must have any clinical or full-time faculty appointment up to the level of assistant professor. No citizenship information noted.) ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY ARE MADE ANNUALLY IN JANUARY; CONTACT THE ASSOCIATION TO BE INCLUDED IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT LIST.
  • International! NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (postdoc. Offers grants to scientists in NATO, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries to collaborate on priority research topics, which include NATO priorities and additional Partner country priorities. Grants are also offered to assist the academic community in Partner countries to set up computer networking infrastructure and to optimize their use of electronic communication. Applications are made by individual scientists. To be eligible for consideration, an application for a grant must be submitted jointly by a person from a NATO country and a person from either a Partner country or a Mediterranean Dialogue country. Any person can apply for a NATO grant who is an expert in the field for which he/she is applying and who has his/her main residence [fully resident, not a short-term visitor] in a NATO, Partner or Mediterranean Dialogue country with mailing address and contact details in that country. ) APPLICATIONS MAY BE SUBMITTED AT ANY TIME, ALTHOUGH UPCOMING DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN SET AS FOLLOWS: 1 MARCH / 1 JULY / 1 NOVEMBER
  • International! Natural Environment Research Council (UK) (postdoc. Must be permanently employed by an eligible UK institution or recognised NERC academic analogue, or hold a fellowship from a Research Council, the Wellcome or the Royal Society. Must be residing in the UK at the time of application.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Funding Opportunities (grad / postdoc. For most programs you must be a Canadian citizen / permanent resident as of the deadline date for application.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Grants Programs (postdoc. Applicants must hold, or have a firm offer of an academic appointment at an eligible Canadian university for a term of no less than 3 years.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research (grad fellows / postdocs. All applicants, organizations, and/or institutions must be located within the State of New Jersey. There is no mention of citizenship.) 2 CYCLES OF FUNDING ANNUALLY WITH DEADLINES IN JUNE AND DECEMBER EACH YEAR. DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE.
  • No Info Obsessive Compulsive Foundation (no eligibility information given, but past awards include postdocs in the US and Canada.) No application information on the Web site.
  • International! Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation (postdoc. "U.S. citizenship is not a requirement. However, the research must be conducted at a U.S. institution.") APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAMS.
  • No Info Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation (postdoc)
  • No Info Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) (postdoc. Most are career development awards for investigators in their first year(s), and are offered in partnership with another organization.)
  • No Info Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN): Private Foundations funding Biomedical Research. List of potential funding sources. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAMS.
  • No Info The Paralysis Project of America (postdoc. No other eligibility information given.) Applications are made through Altum proposalCENTRAL.
  • International! Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Research Foundation (postdoc. Grantee institutions must be located in the United States or Canada. However, investigators and fellows are not required to be U.S. or Canadian citizens. All grant applicants must have a professional degree: Ph.D. or M.D. preferred; M.S. acceptable under some circumstances.)
  • Pfizer Public Health Medical & Academic Partnerships (MAP) Grants (postdoc. US citizens / permanent residents). The Index Page offers a full list of all grants plus deadlines. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • PhRMA Foundation Starter Grants (postdoc. Offers financial support to individuals beginning their independent research careers at the faculty level. Applicants holding the academic rank of instructor or assistant professor and investigators at the doctoral level with equivalent positions are eligible to apply for these research starter grants, providing their proposed research is neither directly nor indirectly subsidized to any significant degree by an extramural support mechanism. Applicants must be sponsored by the department or unit within which the proposed research is to be undertaken. Applications must be submitted by an accredited school in the U.S., and all applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info PKD (polycystic kidney disease) Foundation Research Grants (postdoc. No information provided.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) (no eligibility information. Particularly interested in "supporting research projects that have the potential for immediate and high impact to the PWS community".)
  • No Info Prostate Cancer Foundation (postdoc.) You can sign up to be notified when the RFAs open.
  • No Info The Psoriasis Association (UK) (no info available, but it appears they fund postdoc researchers based in the UK.)
  • No Info Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (postdoc. no eligibility info given. Offers its own grants as well as joint project with other organizations.) TO APPLY, SEND A LETTER OF INTENT DESCRIBING THE RESEARCH PROJECT, THEN SUBMIT A FULL PROPOSAL FOLLOWING NIH'S PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES. The proposal will be examined by their Medical and Scientific Advisory Board which will determine its merit.

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Q - Z

  • International! Radiological Society of North America Education Grants (postdoc. No citizenship information. Eligibility varies by program, but all require the applicant to be affiliated with a North American educational institution at the time of application, hold an M.D. degree or equivalent, and be certified by the American Board of Radiology or equivalent or on track for certification.)
  • International! Radiological Society of North America Research Grants (grad / postdoc. No citizenship information. Eligibility varies by program.)
  • International! Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (postdoc) (Principle investigator must be a health science professional working in the study and/or treatment of painful conditions. Applicants who are residents, fellows and PhD candidates must be under the direct sponsorship and supervision of a senior scientist or faculty member. Applications are not limited to US citizens nor institutions.)
  • No Info Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation (postdoc. No eligibility information, but past grants have been awarded to international researchers.) NO DEADLINES NOTED. CONTACT THE FOUNDATION FOR INFORMATION.
  • No Info Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (postdoc. No eligibility information given. Past recipients include international researchers.)
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Eligibility varies by specific program. "The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provides grants for projects in the United States and U.S. territories that advance our mission to improve the health and health care of all Americans.") APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • International! Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Awards Program in Health Policy Research (postdoc. US Citizenship not required, but applicants must be affiliated with an eligible institution in the U.S.)
  • No Info Rockefeller Foundation (no eligibility information, but they say they conduct work "both within the United States and internationally." They fund a variety of programs in many areas, and a current area of interest is pandemics. Submit an initial idea through the Web site.) No deadlines noted.
  • International! Sandler Program for Asthma Research (postdoc. Researchers in the US and Canada.)
  • International! Savoy Foundation (grad /postdoc. Funding is available to Canadian researchers or to foreign nationals for projects conducted in Canada.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: JANUARY 15
  • No Info Scleroderma Foundation Research Funding (postdoc. Eligibility varies by specific program, but no citizenship restrictions are listed. Applications may be submitted by U.S. non-profit organizations, public and private such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories. Foreign organizations and institutions are not eligible. Applicants must have a doctorate degree in Medicine, Osteopathy, Veterinary Medicine or one of the sciences, and must have completed a postdoctoral fellowship by the grant award date.)
  • Searle Scholars Program (postdoc. US citizenship not required, but candidates should have begun their first appointment at the assistant professor level [tenure-track] in an invited institution on or after July 1, 2005.)
  • International! SickKids Foundation (postdoc. Eligibility varies by specific program, but applicants must be residents of Canada and be either a citizen or a landed immigrant. Projects must be relevant to improving the health of Canadian children and researchers must be affiliated with an institution in Canada.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY, BUT THERE ARE ESTABLISHED ANNUAL DATES FOR EACH PROGRAM.
  • No Info Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation Research Grants (postdoc. Open to basic and clinical scientists holding an advanced degree (MD, DDS, DMD, or PhD) at any U.S. university or research institution. For physicians, advanced clinical training in a specialty related to Sjögren's syndrome such as rheumatology or ophthalmology is desirable. The research must be conducted at an institution in the United States.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 1
  • No Info Skin Cancer Foundation (No eligibility information, but research must be conducted at institutions within the U.S.)
  • No Info Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (grad / postdoc. Some programs for med students / residents, some limited to SAEM members.)
  • No Info Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine Grants (grad / postdoc. Residents, fellows, graduate students, or faculty may apply for SIIM research grants. Preference is given to projects at SIIM institutions and projects that contribute to the careers of new or prospective researchers. Residents, fellows, and students must conduct their projects under the guidance of experienced investigators. No information on citizenship given.)
  • No Info Society for Pediatric Pathology Young Investigator Research Grant (postdoc. Applicant must hold the degree of MD, PhD, DDS, DVM, or DO; be a resident or fellow, full-time, in an accredited pathology training program, OR be a faculty/staff person in pediatric pathology for less than 5 years, OR be working in the laboratory of a faculty/staff person in pediatric pathology. Applicant must also be a member of or be sponsored by a member of the SPP.)
  • No Info Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (no information. Past recipients are postdocs from around the world.) ANNUAL APPLICATION DEADLINES APRIL 1 AND OCTOBER 1.
  • No Info Society for Vascular Surgery Clinical Research Seed Grants (postdoc. No citizenship information given. The principal investigator must be a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery.)
  • No Info Society for Women's Health Research. List of grants available in women's health research and sex-based biology. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY PROGRAM.
  • No Info Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons Education & Research Foundation (postdoc. Awards are open to any principal investigator who is a SAGES member, including Candidate members.) Contact the foundation for application information.
  • International! Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Foundation (postdoc. Citizens or permanent residents of the US or Canada. Eligibility varies by program.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM. MOST ARE DUE DECEMBER 15 EACH YEAR; OTHERS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 1.
  • International! Society of Nuclear Medicine Research Grants (postdoc. Eligibility varies by program.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info SOMAS: Support of Mentors and Their Students in the Neurosciences (postdoc. No citizenship/residency requirements noted, but it appears to be limited to the US. Junior faculty [untenured/pre-tenure assistant professors, typically within 5 years of having completed Ph.D. and postdoctoral training] from predominately undergraduate institutions who are launching their careers in neuroscience are invited to submit applications to obtain summer research support for undergraduate students who will spend 10 weeks collaborating with the faculty member on projects of common interest.)
  • International! The Spencer Foundation (postdoc. Principal Investigators must be affiliated with a school district, a college or university, a research facility, or a cultural institution. Applications welcome from US and international citizens / institutions.) The Foundation is dedicated to supporting research in improving education in all areas, and has funded studies in health education. INITIAL PROPOSALS ARE ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME, REGARDLESS OF THE LEVEL OF FUNDING REQUESTED.
  • No Info Spinal Muscular Atrophy Research News (postdoc. Past grant recipients have included international researchers.)
  • No Info Suicide Prevention Resource Center Funding News. List of funding offers and opportunities from various sources. APPLICATION DEADLINE VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM
  • International! Tourette Syndrome Association (postdoc. "Any research study that has the potential to contribute to the understanding of Tourette Syndrome, including genetics, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, clinical treatments and animal model development. Candidates must have a M.D., Ph.D. or equivalent. Previous experience in the field of movement disorders is desirable, but not essential. Applicants may reside outside the United States.")
  • International! Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance Research Grants Program (predoc / postdoc. Applications can be submitted for Fellowships, Junior Investigator, or Senior Investigator Awards. Eligibility varies by specific program, but all are open to investigators at established academic and/or research institutions worldwide. LOI must be submitted; accepted applicants will be invited to submit full proposals.)
  • International! UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) Grant Opportunities (no information given) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info United Cerebral Palsy Research and Education Foundation (postdoc. One program is limited to institutions in the US, the other gives no eligibility info.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY PROGRAM, BUT ANNUAL DEADLINES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED.
  • No Info United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (postdoc. Past grant recipients include international researchers.)
  • International! US Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Research Laboratories (postdoc. Eligibility and deadlines varies by specific program. There are specific programs set aside for international research.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY PROGRAM.
  • International! US Anti-Doping Agency (postdoc. "USADA will consider applicants from domestic or international institutions.") LOI CAN BE SUBMITTED AT ANY TIME. Invited grant applications will be reviewed 4 times per year.
  • International! US Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (postdoc) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY PROGRAM.
  • No Info US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Grants and Funding (postdoc. Eligibility and funding varies by program.) Links to all HHS departments and their programs. APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY PROGRAM.
  • No Info US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families (ACF) (Eligibility varies by program) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY PROGRAM.
  • International! U.S. Food & Drug Administration Orphan Products Grant Program (postdoc. "The grants are available to any foreign or domestic, public or private, for-profit or nonprofit entity [including State and local units of government]. Federal agencies that are not part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may apply. Agencies that are part of HHS may not apply.")
  • International! US Immunodeficiency Network (postdoc. No citizenship / residency limitations. Eligible investigators must have a faculty appointment no later than the award activation date and will use data generated by a USIDNET grant to submit an NIH grant proposal. Post-doctoral fellows are not eligible to apply for USIDNet grants unless they can provide evidence that they have been offered a faculty appointment as an Instructor or higher with independent laboratory space that would be effective prior to funding.) CONCEPT PROPOSALS ARE ACCEPTED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AND ARE REVIEWED WITHIN TWO MONTHS OF RECEIPT.
  • International! U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation (postdoc. Israeli and American principal investigators must be faculty members or equivalent. Graduate or postgraduate students are not eligible.)
  • The V Foundation for Cancer Research (postdoc.) "THE V FOUNDATION SUBMITS REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS (RFPS) TO THE DIRECTORS OF NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI)-DESIGNATED FACILITIES AND PROMINENT UNIVERSITIES INVOLVED IN CRITICAL CANCER RESEARCH THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. [...] If you currently work at one of these facilities, contact the Office of the Director at your cancer center for details of grants that may apply to your proposed or ongoing research.")
  • No Info Von Hippel-Lindau Family Alliance Fund for Cancer Research (no specific eligibility information given, but past funding has included international researchers. "Research grant awards are for new or established investigators wishing to pursue a novel idea or concept clearly related to VHL, where ongoing support is not able to fund the project.")
  • International! The Wellcome Trust (UK) (grad / postdoc. Eligibility varies by program.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • No Info Whitehall Foundation [neurobiology] (postdoc) LETTERS OF INTENT DUE JANUARY 15, APRIL 15, AND OCTOBER 1 EACH YEAR.
  • International! William Guy Forbeck Research Foundation Forbeck Scholar Award (postdoc) "Outstanding junior clinical or post-doctoral fellows with an interest in cancer research are invited to attend the Foundation Forum held in November in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina." Nominations are made by letter of recommendation from the applicant's director of studies. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN EARLY APRIL OF EACH YEAR. Contact the Foundation for specific application date or for additional information.
  • International! William T. Grant Foundation (grad / postdoc. "The Foundation has no geographic boundaries for most of its projects. However, Youth Service Grants are restricted to organizations located and providing services in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.") LETTERS OF INTENT MAY BE SUBMITTED AT ANY TIME.
  • No Info Women's Dermatologic Society Grant Programs (postdoc. Eligibility varies by specific program.) APPLICATION DEADLINES VARY BY SPECIFIC PROGRAM.
  • Women's Dermatologic Society Medical Student Awareness Program (grad. Women in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of study in an accredited U.S. Medical School [includes Canada, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands].)
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January 23, 2009 (sva)