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Joseph E. Saavedra, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Kiziltepe T, Hideshima T, Ishitsuka K, Ocio EM, Raje N, Catley L, Li CQ, Trudel LJ, Yasui H, Vallet S, Kutok JL, Chauhan D, Mitsiades CS, Saavedra JE, Wogan GN, Keefer LK, Shami PJ, Anderson KC.
JS-K, a GST-activated nitric oxide generator, induces DNA double-strand breaks, activates DNA damage response pathways, and induces apoptosis in vitro and in vivo in human multiple myeloma cells.
Blood. 110: 709-18, 2007.
2)  Chakrapani H, Showalter BM, Citro ML, Keefer LK, Saavedra JE.
Nitric oxide prodrugs: diazeniumdiolate anions of hindered secondary amines.
Org. Lett. 9: 4551-4, 2007.
3)  Qu W, Liu J, Fuquay R, Saavedra JE, Keefer LK, Waalkes MP.
The nitric oxide prodrug, V-PYRRO/NO, mitigates arsenic-induced liver cell toxicity and apoptosis.
Cancer Lett. 256: 238-45, 2007.
4)  Chakrapani H, Showalter BM, Kong L, Keefer LK, Saavedra JE.
V-PROLI/NO, a prodrug of the nitric oxide donor, PROLI/NO.
Org. Lett. 9: 3409-12, 2007.
5)  Townsend DM, Findlay VJ, Fazilev F, Ogle M, Fraser J, Saavedra JE, Ji X, Keefer LK, Tew KD.
A glutathione S-transferase pi-activated prodrug causes kinase activation concurrent with S-glutathionylation of proteins.
Mol. Pharmacol. 69: 501-8, 2006.
6)  Shami PJ, Saavedra JE, Bonifant CL, Chu J, Udupi V, Malaviya S, Carr BI, Kar S, Wang M, Jia L, Ji X, Keefer LK.
Antitumor activity of JS-K [O2-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) 1-[(4-ethoxycarbonyl)piperazin-1-yl]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate] and related O2-aryl diazeniumdiolates in vitro and in vivo.
J. Med. Chem. 49: 4356-66, 2006.
7)  Kong L, Saavedra JE, Buzard GS, Xu X, Hood BL, Conrads TP, Veenstra TD, Keefer LK.
Deamidation of peptides in aerobic nitric oxide solution by a nitrosative pathway.
Nitric Oxide. 14: 144-51, 2006.
8)  Waterhouse DJ, Saavedra JE, Davies KM, Citro ML, Xu X, Powell DA, Grimes GJ, Potti GK, Keefer LK.
Injectable formulation of disodium 1-[2-(carboxylato)pyrrolidin-1-yl]diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (PROLI/NO), an ultrafast nitric oxide donor prodrug.
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences. 95: 108-15, 2006.
9)  Udupi V, Yu M, Malaviya S, Saavedra JE, Shami PJ.
JS-K, a nitric oxide prodrug, induces cytochrome c release and caspase activation in HL-60 myeloid leukemia cells.
Leuk. Res. 30: 1279-83, 2006.
10)  Inami K, Nims RW, Srinivasan A, Citro ML, Saavedra JE, Cederbaum AI, Keefer LK.
Metabolism of a liver-selective nitric oxide-releasing agent, V-PYRRO/NO, by human microsomal cytochromes P450.
Nitric Oxide. 14: 309-15, 2006.
11)  Saavedra JE, Srinivasan A, Buzard GS, Davies KM, Waterhouse DJ, Inami K, Wilde TC, Citro ML, Cuellar M, Deschamps JR, Parrish D, Shami PJ, Findlay VJ, Townsend DM, Tew KD, Singh S, Jia L, Ji X, Keefer LK.
PABA/NO as an anticancer lead: analogue synthesis, structure revision, solution chemistry, reactivity toward glutathione, and in vitro activity.
J. Med. Chem. 49: 1157-64, 2006.
12)  Wang YN, Bohle DS, Bonifant CL, Chmurny GN, Collins JR, Davies KM, Deschamps J, Flippen-Anderson JL, Keefer LK, Klose JR, Saavedra JE, Waterhouse DJ, Ivanic J.
Chemistry of the diazeniumdiolates: Z right harpoon over left harpoon E isomerism.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127: 5388-95, 2005.
13)  Miranda KM, Katori T, Torres de Holding CL, Thomas L, Ridnour LA, McLendon WJ, Cologna SM, Dutton AS, Champion HC, Mancardi D, Tocchetti CG, Saavedra JE, Keefer LK, Houk KN, Fukuto JM, Kass DA, Paolocci N, Wink DA.
Comparison of the NO and HNO donating properties of diazeniumdiolates: primary amine adducts release HNO in Vivo.
J. Med. Chem. 48: 8220-8, 2005.
14)  Showalter BM, Reynolds MM, Valdez CA, Saavedra JE, Davies KM, Klose JR, Chmurny GN, Citro ML, Barchi JJ, Merz SI, Meyerhoff ME, Keefer LK.
Diazeniumdiolate ions as leaving groups in anomeric displacement reactions: a protection-deprotection strategy for ionic diazeniumdiolates.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127: 14188-9, 2005.
15)  Bohle DS, Ivanic J, Saavedra JE, Smith KN, Wang YN.
E/Z conformation and the vibrational spectroscopy of Me2NN(O)=NOMe.
The journal of physical chemistry. A. 109: 11317-21, 2005.
16)  Liu J, He YY, Chignell CF, Clark J, Myers P, Saavedra JE, Waalkes MP.
Limited protective role of V-PYRRO/NO against cholestasis produced by alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate in mice.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 70: 144-51, 2005.
17)  Xu X, Veenstra TD, Fox SD, Roman JM, Issaq HJ, Falk R, Saavedra JE, Keefer LK, Ziegler RG.
Measuring fifteen endogenous estrogens simultaneously in human urine by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Anal. Chem. 77: 6646-54, 2005.
18)  Qu W, Liu J, Fuquay R, Shimoda R, Sakurai T, Saavedra JE, Keefer LK, Waalkes MP.
The nitric oxide prodrug, V-PYRRO/NO, protects against cadmium toxicity and apoptosis at the cellular level.
Nitric Oxide. 12: 114-20, 2005.

This page was last updated on 11/9/2007.