1: J Health Econ. 2008 May;27(3):794-800. Epub 2007 Dec 7.Click here to read Links
Comment on:
J Health Econ. 2006 Nov;25(6):1094-118.

Child mental health and human capital accumulation: the case of ADHD revisited.

Yale University, School of Public Health, 60 College Street #303, New Haven, CT 06520, United States. jason.fletcher@yale.edu

In volume 25, issue 6 of this journal, Janet Currie and Mark Stabile (JCMS,) made a significant contribution to our understanding of the influence of ADHD symptoms on a variety of school outcomes including participation in special education, grade repetition and test scores. Their contributions include using a broad sample of children and estimating sibling fixed effects models to control for unobserved family effects. In this comment we look at a sample of older children and confirm and extend many of the JCMS findings in terms of a broader set of measures of human capital and additional specifications.

PMID: 18221807 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]