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New Community Voices Video: Latinos in HIV Vaccine Research

Luis, Seattle

"Creo que es importante que te informes, que te eduques, que busques donde está la información. En que agencias, con qué líderes, con que personas puedes tener confianza y buscar información acerca de lo que está pasando dentro de tu comunidad con respecto al VIH, a la salud sexual y cómo hacerse las pruebas y en educación para vacunas de VIH. Tu salud es importante. Puedes tomar un papel de hacer una llamada telefónica, escuchar un anuncio en la radio o en la televisión, picar un panfleto acerca de lo que está pasando últimamente con las vacunas de VIH."

- Louis, Seattle

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New Technology Reveals Higher Number of New HIV Infections in the United States than Previously Known

New technology and methodology developed by CDC show that the incidence of HIV in the United States is higher than was previously known. However, the incidence has been stable at that higher level for most of this decade. HIV incidence is the number of new HIV infections occurring during a certain time period, in this case, the year 2006.

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NIAID Will Not Move Forward with the PAVE 100 HIV Vaccine Trial

After soliciting and considering broad input from the scientific and HIV advocacy communities, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has determined that it will not conduct the HIV vaccine study known as PAVE 100. However, NIAID believes the vaccine developed by its Vaccine Research Center (VRC) is scientifically intriguing and sufficiently different from previously tested HIV vaccines to consider testing it in a smaller, more focused clinical study. Therefore, NIAID will entertain a proposal for an alternative study with one specific goal: to determine if the vaccine regimen significantly lowers viral load—the amount of HIV in the blood of vaccinated individuals who may later become infected with HIV.

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An HIV Vaccine is Our Best Hope

Scientists are working to develop a safe and effective HIV vaccine. To succeed, they will need thousands of HIV-negative people to support HIV vaccine studies and encourage those who volunteer. You can't get HIV from the vaccine, but you can help end the AIDS epidemic.

Learn more about how you can do your part.

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Preventive HIV vaccine clinical trials are happening in communities across America.

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Testing vaccines for HIV prevention requires HIV negative volunteers. Are you HIV positive?

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